BACKGROUND Prenatal alcohol exposure PAE has been linked to poorer performance on the Morris water maze MWM, a test of spatial navigation in rodents that is dependent on hippocampal functioning We recently confirmed these findings in children with PAE on a human analog of the MWM, the virtual water maze VWM Previous studies have shown that the hippocampus is particularly sensitive to PAE Our aim was to determine whether hippocampal volume mediates the relation between PAE and virtual navigation METHODS VWM and MRI hippocampal data were collected from 50 right-handed 10-year-old children in a heavily exposed Cape Town, South African sample PAE data had been collected from their mothers during pregnancy, and the children were examined by expert fetal alcohol spectrum disorder FASD dysmorphologists In the VWM, the participant attempts to learn the location of a hidden platform in a virtual pool of water across a series of learning trials using only distal room cues Hippocampal volumes were derived using FreeSurfer from MRI scans administered within 1nbsp;week of completing the VWM task RESULTS Both the fetal alcohol syndrome FAS/partial FAS and nonsyndromal heavy-exposed HE groups had smaller hippocampal volumes than controls PAE was associated with reduced right hippocampal volumes even after control for total intracranial volume ICV Hippocampal volume was also positively associated with VWM performance The relation between PAE and VWM performance was partially mediated by right hippocampal volume but not by total ICV CONCLUSIONS These data confirm previous reports linking PAE to poorer spatial navigation on the VWM and are the first to provide direct evidence that volume reductions in this region partially mediate the relation of FASD diagnosis to place learning, suggesting that PAE specifically impairs the ability to encode the spatial information necessary for successful location of the hidden platform on a navigation task © 2020 by the Research Society on AlcoholismBACKGROUND RHCEceEK is a rare RH allele mostly encountered in people of African descent This allele is defined by four single nucleotide substitutions c48Ggt;C, c712Agt;G, c787Agt;G and c800Tgt;A Until now, it has only been reported to segregate with either RHD01N01nbsp;ornbsp;RHDDAR100 MATERIALS AND METHODS Blood samples were drawn from a 32-year-old Tutsi pregnant woman during an antenatal visit in order to perform her type and screen To further investigate the results found in the patient, a family study was conducted Standard haemagglutination methods were used to investigate the subjects' red blood cells and plasma Molecular workup on RHD and RHCE genes was carried out by DNA microarray, real-time PCR and DNA sequencing techniques RESULTS The patient was phenotyped as group B, D+C-E-c+e+, Hr- A complex mixture of anti-E, anti-c, anti-Hr and anti-hrS was detected in her plasma She was found to carry a normal RHD gene, a conventional RHCEceEK allele and an alternative RHCEceEK allele RHCEceEK without c48Ggt;C The family study showed that the conventional RHCEceEK and the alternative RHCEceEK alleles were associated with a RHD01 allele and a RHD01N01 allele, respectively Molecular analysis performed in the proband's mother showed a novel RHCEce variant allele on a RHCEceS -like background RHCEceS with c609Ggt;A CONCLUSIONS This case study brought out new associations between RHD and RHCE alleles encoding the rare Hr-nbsp;phenotype the conventional RHCEceEK allele linked to the RHD01 allele and an alternative RHCEceEK allele associated with the RHD01N01 allele A novel RHCEce variant RHCEceS with c609Ggt;A was also reported © 2020 International Society of Blood TransfusionOrganic anion-transporting polypeptides OATPs 1B1 and 1B3 are the primary hepatic transporters responsible for uptake of drugs into the liver and, as such, an area of growing research focus Currently, evaluation of these transporters as potential mediators of drug-drug interactions DDIs is recommended by regulatory agencies worldwide during the drug development process Despite the growing focus on OATP1B1/1B3 as mediators of DDIs, only 2 drugs are recommended as index inhibitors for use in clinical studies, single-dose rifampin and cyclosporine, each with limitations for the utility of the resulting data In this study a thorough analysis of the available in vitro and clinical data was conducted to identify drugs that are clinically relevant inhibitors of OATP1B1/1B3 and, from those, to select any novel index inhibitors A total of 13 drugs and 16 combination products were identified as clinical inhibitors of OATP1B1/1B3, showing significant changes in exposure for sensitive substrates of the transporters, with strong supporting in vitro evidence Although none of the identified inhibitors qualified as index inhibitors, this study confirmed the utility of cyclosporine and single-dose rifampin as index inhibitors to evaluate the effect of broad, multiple-pathway inhibition and more selective OATP1B1/1B3 inhibition, respectively © 2020, The American College of Clinical PharmacologyIn June 2019, massive mortalities of cultured Penaeus vannamei occurred in a local farm in Hainan Province, China The diseased shrimp displayed evident black gills Three bacterial strains 20190611001, 20190611007 and 20190611022 were isolated from hepatopancreas and gills of the diseased shrimp and identified as Photobacterium damselae subsp damselae based on the sequence analysis of 16S rRNA and toxR genes These three isolates showed haemolytic activities Of them, strain 20190611022 isolated from hepatopancreas was selected and processed for pathogenic analysis The calculated median lethal dose LD50 was 975nbsp;±nbsp;429nbsp;×nbsp;105 CFU/g body weight by challenging Pnbsp;vannameivia reverse gavage The diseased shrimp displayed enlarged hepatopancreatic tubules and sloughing of epithelial cells in tubular lumens The strain 20190611022 was also characterized by the testing of API 20NE systems and antibiotic susceptibility The results of disc diffusion test showed that strain 20190611022 was sensitive to chloramphenicol, compound sulfamethoxazole, cefoperazone, ceftriaxone, ceftazidime and cefuroxime To our knowledge, this is the first report of isolation and characterization of Photobacterium damselae subsp damselae from natural diseased Pnbsp;vannamei Our findings can serve as a basis for further studies of its pathogenicity and provide technological support for disease controlling in shrimp aquaculture © 2020 John Wiley amp; Sons LtdOBJECTIVES Metabolic reprogramming is well accepted as a hallmark of cancer This study aimed to explore the role of Kruppel-like factor 2 KLF2 in aerobic glycolysis and glutamine consumption of energy metabolism in non-small cell lung cancer NSCLC cells https//wwwselleckchemcom/GSK-3html METHODS Two different NSCLC cells, A549 and NCI-H1299, were used to investigate the role of KLF2 in glycolysis and glutamine consumption by tracer technique and KLF2 transfection KEY FINDINGS The results showed that overexpression KLF could inhibit the energy metabolism and proliferation of NSCLC cells, but had no significant effect on glycolysis reaction and only affected the glutamine consumption of NSCLC cells In NSCLC cells exposed to glutamine deprivation, the effect of overexpression of KLF2 on cell proliferation and energy metabolism disappeared It was found that KLF2 could inhibit the expression of glutaminase GLS by metabolite tracing technique and so on However, when GLS inhibitors were given to overexpressing KLF2 NSCLC cells, the intervention effect of KLF2 disappeared CONCLUSIONS Kruppel-like factor 2 could decrease the level of glutamine, participate in the consumption of glutamine by cancer cells, and then inhibit the energy metabolism of cancer cells © 2020 Royal Pharmaceutical Societyin English, French INTRODUCTION Les propriétés sensorielles ont une grande importance pour les cosmétiques et les produits de soins Si la littérature permet de consulter des articles comparant différentes formulations sur leurs attributs sensoriels, il n'y a que quelques articles concernant les ingrédients OBJECTIF L'objectif global de cette étude était de réaliser une étude originale combinant l'évaluation sensorielle de différentes natures d'ingrédients, afin d'initier un ensemble de données sensorielles qui pourrait aider les chercheurs à identifier les caractéristiques sensorielles discriminantes, ainsi qu'à initier une comparaison entre données sensorielles et mesures instrumentales du texturomètre MÉTHODES Les huiles, les extraits glycoliques, le beurre et l'amidon ont été évalués selon la méthodologie d'analyse sensorielle descriptive avec l'aide d'un panel de 25 experts Afin de comparer les réponses obtenues à partir du panel aux mesures instrumentales, des analyses de texture ont été effectuées avec un texturométre selon la méthode traction-compression RÉSULTATS Des différences significatives ont été détectées sur dix des onze attributs sensoriels évalués, indiquant que les ingrédients ont des profils sensoriels distincts Les attributs principalement discriminants pour les ingrédients analysés étaient la brillance, l'opacité, la fluidité, la fraîcheur, le blanchiment et les résidus huileux Les huiles sont principalement liées aux descripteurs résidus huileux et glissant tandis que les extraits sont principalement liés aux attributs de brillance, de fluidité et de fraîcheur L'amidon de tapioca et le beurre de karité étaient tous deux liés à la non-fluidité, l'opacité et l'amidon de tapioca était également lié à la fraîcheur Cette étude a été complétée par une analyse texturométrique qui a montré la corrélation opposée entre le descripteur sensoriel fluide et l'indice de consistanceTremendous strides have been made in the identification of microbes animalcules since their first discovery on epithelial surfaces by Antonie van Leeuwenhoek in 1677 For example, Staphylococcus aureus, a bacterium associated with atopic dermatitis, was identified by Friedrich Rosenbach in 1884 and Propionibacterium acnes, now called Cutibacterium acnes - a major commensal bacterium found primarily on the face - by Raymond Sabouraud in 1897 This article is protected by copyright All rights reservedIntelligent-design websites misquote to subvert belief in Darwinian evolution Nowadays, such sites pose as "objective" sources of information Speaking more generally, spreading misinformation can be linked to climate science denial, vaccination avoidance, and a resurgence of pseudo-scientific racism Internet regulations to counter these sources of pseudo-science are urgently needed © 2020 The Authors BioEssays published by Wiley Periodicals LLCBACKGROUND Blood transfusion is common and potentially lifesaving but is associated with risk and overuse Nurse practitioners NPs in multidisciplinary care teams are increasingly expanding their scope of practice to transfusion medicine TM Resources aimed at NPs are lacking, and little is known about NP TM knowledge Thus, we developed a pilot TM curriculum for NP credentialing and assessed its impact METHODS NP leads and TM directors adapted the successful Canadian Transfusion Camp for medical postgraduate trainees into a 3-day curriculum for NPs Two modalities were used to assess the pilot 1 a participant demographics survey and needs assessment; and 2 the validated BEST-TEST knowledge assessment exam administered before and after the course RESULTS Of the 23 volunteer participants, the majority reported prescribing blood products within the last year, primarily red blood cells Minimal opportunities to undertake continuing medical education in TM were identified NPs often used preprinted order forms, consultation with physicians sharing care, or local fact sheets to guide transfusion; rather than TM physician consultation or guidelines