What We Look For in the Best Multisite Hosting for WordPress Reliability. If your server goes down, every single site in your network will become unavailable. Near-perfect uptime is a must for WordPress Multisite, so I’ve picked some of the most reliable hosts out there. Tight security. Security is a concern for a Multisite configuration, because if one site is hacked, the entire network could be compromised. I’ve only included hosts that take security seriously. Optimized WordPress. Optimization is even more important when you’re dealing with a WordPress Multisite implementation. The hosts in my list offer impressively fast loading times thanks to advanced caching, file compression, and the best quality server hardware. Generous resource limits. WordPress Multisite can be taxing on resources, especially if you’re looking to run large or busy sites. I’ve chosen hosts that provide plenty of storage and bandwidth at affordable prices. WordPress is fully optimized and configured for you upon installation. While these plans lack managed updates, performance is impressive: A2 Hosting ranked among the fastest shared hosting providers during my performance tests.