If you have an elderly family member, a GPS watch can help you to track them. These devices are easy to carry around and can keep your loved one safe. There are several types of devices available. https://dementiadevices.com These include those that use cellular technology to transmit location and send notifications, as well as those that are water-resistant. They can be worn as a necklace, belt clip or lanyard, or they can be attached to clothing or shoes. https://dementiadevices.com/dementia-tracker-locator/ The most common type of tracker is one that uses GPS. It can be paired with a smartphone and provides real-time tracking updates. You can also create alerts and set geofencing. This can help your loved one stay in their home, or prevent them from going out and wandering. https://dementiadevices.com/wandering/ Using the device allows your loved one to call for help if they are in an emergency, like falling. It can also send a notification to family members if your loved one leaves a defined area, such as their home or a doctor's office. Other devices that can be used for this purpose are those that have a SOS button. Pressing this button will notify your emergency contacts and give them your loved one's GPS location. A senior is at a greater risk for accidents at home and outside the home. An aging parent or other family member can wear a tracker to make sure that they stay in their home. Wonlex offers a senior watch that can be a safety measure for your elderly loved one. The tracker comes with a built-in speaker and microphone, as well as a GPS locator.