In the next section, see a timeline of World War II events for the remainder of December 1943, as well as related news headlines and photos The headlines and photos below tell the stories General Purpose Yet, there are other stories as to how the jeep got its name One of the more hair-raising jeep stories was reported by Homer Bogart, of the New York Herald Tribune The forerunner of the famous B-17 was also nicknamed the jeep Fifth Army in 1943 His September assignment, to land his troops in the port of Salerno and direct a portion of the invasion of Italy, seemed easy enough Cartoon character Sexy Jane boosts GI morale After cartoonist Norman Pett's wife, Jane, was asked to look after a "Count Fritz von Pumpernickel" -- who turned out to be a dachshund -- Pett started drawing cartoons and comic strips about Jane and Fritz Jan 25, 1979 Robert Williams, a 25-year-old factory worker in a Ford Motor Company casting plant in Flat Rock, Michigan, is asked to scale a massive shelving unit to manually count the parts there In 1943 General Douglas MacArthur complained, stating, "This will be a long war if for every division I have facing the enemy, I must count on a second division in the hospital with malaria and a third division convalescing from this debilitating disease" MacArthur enforced anti-malarial measures, including mosquito netting, repellent, and the unpleasant quinine substitute, Atabrine General Douglas MacArthur suggested a two-pronged assault on Rabaul from eastern New Guinea and the Solomon Islands, followed by invasion Though sometimes ridiculed as "Molasses in January" for his cautious approach to battle, Krueger was the general whom Douglas MacArthur singled out to lead the ground assault on Kyushu, Japan, before the atomic bomb made the operation unnecessary Priority items, such as ammunition, were loaded last so they could be made available more quickly during an assault Throughout the last billion or so years, this planet has experienced a slow seesaw effect in temperatures, drifting through alternating periods of warmth and cold Between ice ages, the Earth has typically entered stretches of relative warmth, known as "interglacial periods," which is what we've been experiencing since the last ice age ended about 12,000 years ago There have been waves of severe cold that we call "ice ages," in which huge glaciers blanketed much of the Earth Why do we call them crayons Back in the early 1970s, when there were several particularly frigid winters in a row, some scientists saw the plunging temperatures as a sign that the Earth was entering a new ice age December 12 The Soviet Union and Czechoslovakia sign a mutual assistance treaty at the Kremlin Rushed into production -- often at considerable hardship to civilian workers -- factories contributed to a surge in the Soviet Union manufacture of tanks and weapons during 1942-43 Stalin had saved Russia's manufacturing capability, which meant that in 1943 tanks and other equipment made up for the Red Army's manpower shortage The goal was to create a "pact of mutual assistance" to challenge any possibility that Joseph Stalin and the Soviet Union would try to further extend control of Eastern Europe Stalin remained unimpressed, almost hostile Harriman, the quintessential diplomat, reviewed for Marshall Stalin an impressive list of goods and services that the United States and Britain were prepared to supply to the Soviets, who at the time were locked in a desperate struggle against the advancing German Wehrmacht In the ensuing years, roboticists, computer scientists and artificial intelligence experts have continued to struggle with the issue of how robots can safely interact with humans without causing them harm Instead, Whiteson tells us that the greater threat is scientists purposefully designing robots that can kill human targets without human intervention for military purposes By 1943 the United States led all other countries in the production of military supplies The Guardian reports that 381 partly autonomous weapon and military robotics systems have been deployed or are under development in a dozen countries, including China, France, Israel, the UK Artist Development Because some artists sell more records after touring and performing their music live, there is a need for "tour support," which is provided by the record label's folks who are responsible for artist development Reportedly, Soviet propagandists were at pains to inform the home folks that these remarkable little machines were Russian-built, in a secret factory We'll never know who perpetrated the hoax, as most of the folks involved were dead by the time the truth was revealed Lagerfeld, Nathalie https//zhoukang4982livejournalcom/profile "How an Alien Autopsy Hoax Captured the World's Imagination for a Decade" Time Free daily newspaper Metro New York is being sold to Schneps Media, according to sources - making it the second freebie paper to be sold in two months In this image, bodies of citizens wait to be identified in a Berlin gymnasium decorated for Christmas The Allied bombing of Berlin begins In a November 1943 letter to Winston Churchill concerning a planned bombing of Berlin, British air marshal Sir Arthur Harris stated, "It will cost Germany the war" The bombing of Nazi Germany's largest city began on November 18 and lasted until the end of March 1944 Although the attacks killed more than 10,000 civilians and left hundreds of thousands homeless, it failed to destroy the city or the morale of its citizens It took place during General Douglas MacArthur's march on Manila As Welter points out, the reason for the sudden post-Civil War uptick in crayon-making was, for the most part, because of the rapid industrialization that took place in the second half of the 19th century Late in 1944, it began patrolling the Baltic coast, where its crew bombarded Soviet troops and evacuated German refugees The Nazis' Atlantic Wall includes armed bunkers From spring 1942 to 1944, Nazi Germany built fortifications along 3,000 miles of French and Belgian coastline Once Germany attacked Poland, Chamberlain finally declared war British fear espionage by Nazi spies When war began, the British worried about enemy agents operating from within their country Wells' 1898 book "The War of the Worlds" Before the play began, CBS Radio announced it was a play based on Wells' novel Approximately 770 PTs were built during the course of the war But many listeners had tuned in while the broadcast was in progress, and therefore missed the explanatory introduction In addition to the risk of setting the house on fire, the smoke that ends up inside your home can contain harmful chemicals, which is a problem in tightly sealed modern homes More recently, in the 20th century, scientists began studying the cloth with modern scientific techniques England merrily celebrated its new status as the birthplace of modern man One of the most amazing and grossest hoaxes of all time took place in England in 1726 That's when Mary Toft, a servant from Godalming, in Surrey, went into labor and delivered some animal parts This association has been so thoroughly baked into the collective culture that it's nearly impossible to imagine a time before kids had ready access to a nearly endless array of colors in a box of crayons Decades later, reports of human deaths caused by robots or artificial intelligences feel more commonplace A few years later, in 1835, the German company J S Staedler began manufacturing a wax crayon with a wooden casing Just because a system has a few flaws doesn't mean you chuck it for something new You need a great university to seed a silicon valley, and so far there are few outside the US It is possible that, in times of heavy usage with many connected users, performance will be far below the theoretical maximums Florida and Texas are among the largest and fastest-growing states in the US, and the new voting laws could have far reaching consequences in future elections He scribbles and colors and draws with no thought to the consequences for his chosen medium - the humble crayon On the next page, we'll take a look at more consequences of melting Arctic ice, including the rush to claim the seabed and the valuable energy stores underneath it If you look carefully at the baby's left foot the foot that is visible, you will see that it is rising in these four frames Of course, the engine wouldn't even start until the remote-control unit had been plugged into the slot to the left of the dash More recently, neon crayons and even glow-in-the-dark crayons have made their way onto the market The NUJ still hasnt condemed the disgracefull actions of whoever destoryed those flowers, a tribute to a solider killed on our own streets December 28 Ortona, Italy, is finally in Allied hands after two weeks of violent clashes in the streets of the small city December 5 Some 350 die in a Japanese raid on the Indian port city of Calcutta Britain's Avro Lancaster bombers carry the load Britain's Avro Lancaster bombers participated in every major night raid on Nazi Germany, and carried bigger loads and heavier bombs than any other aircraft in Europe Their popularity on the range comes from the cheaper price they carry The French word for "pencil" is "crayon" It comes from the French term for chalk, which is "craie" pronounced "cray" Soon enough, the robot silently comes upon the young man, striking him in the head and killing him instantly A jury agreed that not enough care had been put into the design of the robot to prevent a death like this Williams' family won a 10 million lawsuit for his wrongful death from Unit Handling Systems, a division of Litton Industries, the manufacturer that designed the robot The robot keeps on working, but Williams lay there dead for 30 minutes before his body would be found by concerned co-workers, according to Knight-Ridder reporting The Renault Megane concept car's body lacked not only mirrors, but protrusions of any sort Slide open the door -- any door -- of the 1988 Renault Megane concept car and you were bound to feel you were about to step into someone's small but elegantly appointed living room