Becoming a cat owner is really a big decision Sure cats have a brief history of being independent pets, however this doesn't mean you don't need to care for them There are a number of things to consider when caring for a pet cat This article below will illustrate what things you need to know If your cat suddenly goes off its feed for no apparent reason, try tempting treats such as jack mackerel, tuna, or cream of chicken soup in smaller amounts They are not complete foods and must not be fed long term, however they are extremely tasty to cats A finicky cat may begin eating again and continue when given one of these brilliant treats If your cat is outdoors, it needs to possess a tagged collar Cats can travel far, and a tag will let you discover the cat easier should they get lost Have your phone number engraved on the tag Your cat might not come running once you call, but most cats enjoy cuddling on their terms and time Cats want to have their heads and backs pet Not all cats like their tummies rubbed so be careful Spending quality time together with your cat will make lasting memories to check back on someday Protect your cat from strangling by making sure the cords of curtains and blinds are secured and out of reach When you make or purchase a dangly toy for your cat, make sure to supervise during play Put the toy away if you will never be around to watch Cats want to much on grass and plants such as for example catnip There are plants however which are poisonous to cats Chrysanthemums and holly are beautiful and common around the Holidays, but can be quite toxic to cats Other plants which are toxic or lethal include lilies, rhubarb and daffodils Male cats can develop crystals that form in their urine, so prevent this with the right food A cat passing the crystals can be extremely hurtful having an expensive vet bill to boot To avoid this from happening, ensure that your cat's food doesn't have much magnesium inside it Be sure to browse the ingredient label https//gitlabfreedesktoporg/gonzalescombs03 Fish products are often higher in magnesium Should you leave the house with your cat, ensure that she is wearing a collar with tags This way, if anything happens and you also two become separated, anyone will get her and know how to reach you Your cat may not like the collar continuously, but when she's out of the house it can save her If you going to be gone for greater than a day, you should have someone look in on your own cat Leave out plenty of food, but have someone arrived at make sure it generally does not run out If you do not have a neighbor or family to look in on your own cat, it is possible to usually look for a cat sitter for some dollars each day Never try to teach a cat how exactly to work a kitty litter box This is not a thing that should be taught In fact, it comes naturally for them A standard misconception is to rub your cats paws into the kitty litter however this is not a good idea If you observe that your cat isn't using the kitty litter box up to usual, you should go and take them to a vet immediately There are several health problems that may cause the cat to stop utilizing the box These issues include bladder problems, constipation and diarrhea Search for potential problems when obtaining a new cat Their eyes should be clear, nose clear as well, and the ears without the sort of discharge The cat should have a shiny coat and the mouth and gums should be free of sores Taking on an unhealthy cat can be expensive There are a few thing that you eat that may not be good for your cat These range from chocolate, grapes, onions and tomatoes These food types could make your cat very ill Too much milk can be a negative thing for a grown cat Try to be consistent with the type of cat litter and food you buy your cat In the event that you change up, it could cause some issues Cats are creatures of habit, and they usually do not adapt well to change If you must make some changes, it could be smart to do them gradually As was mentioned initially of this article, there are numerous points to consider when running a cat Be sure you utilize the information provided if you're a cat owner or are seriously considering getting a pet cat When you care for your cat, your cat will take care of you