Nominations must be received before 1 September, so that a ballot may be included in the next EGSG newsletter We would like to thank Mike Wiering, the creator of Clean Game Library Report by Manuel Chakravarty Project Status Version 10 RC7 The Haskell 98 FFI Addendum is meanwhile up to Release Candidate 7 and recently triggered an involved technical discussion on what is the right interface for finalizers for foreign objects The current freely available implementation is based on GHC 5002 beta release For GHC we'll probably do one more major release with hslibs before removing them Its main purpose is to adapt to recent GHC 504 and Hugs Oct 2002 versions Currently buddha works with GHC version 504 or greater GHC supports the FFI extension as defined in the addendum, in addition to the pre-standard syntax for backward compatibility This release of Haddock is used to generate the documentation for the hierarchical libraries distributed with recent releases of GHC Buddha is a declarative debugger for Haskell 98 Each module in the program undergoes a transformation to produce a new module as Haskell source Report by Malcolm Wallace Project Status stable, maintained The HaXml project is still alive, in stable maintenance mode, now at version 107b HaXml provides many facilities for using XML from Haskell Project Status Maintained, stable The HGL gives the programmer access to the most interesting parts of the Win32 and X11 library without exposing the programmer to the pain and anguish usually associated with using these interfaces Project Status completed, maintained; port needed The Object I/O is a flexible library for building rich user interfaces Both Hood, the portable library for observing data structures at given program points, and GHood, the graphical variant for animated observations have remain unchanged for over a year It's not very complete and only works under GHC at the time of writing We have designed and implemented a binding-time, strictness and exception analysis for Haskell and incorporated both analyses into the GHC compiler By default, phc is an ordinary haskell compiler Changes in many vegetation types have occurred as a consequence of abandoned traditional land-use practices On the development front, there's nothing major to report, except that the changes for GLR parsing are still waiting in the wings and I'm talking to the author of Alex Chris Dornan about a possible merge of Happy amp;Alex at some point For people reading this report, the plugin system is probably the most important new feature A complete rewrite is now underway which aims to provide an attractive gtk2 interface and a plugin system IJWET aims to provide an interdisciplinary forum for the exchange of ideas concerning theoretical, technical, practical, social and pedagogical issues, and to publish research of the highest quality and significance The CEGS aims to provide an academic focal-point within the United Kingdom for research into the literature, culture, society and history of this area from 1945 to the present The DFG-Projekt Propagandageschichte Freiburg amp; Leipzig together with the Kulturwissenschaftliches Institut Leipzig are organizing a conference on the history of propaganda in Germany titled Tagung zur Geschichte der Politikpropaganda in Deutschland That we’ve come out the other side as close friends, which makes it almost more sad she lives in another city In addition to Perch and Runway we’ve been working on a brand new product We’ve added the ability to import your Lanyrd data in preparation for launch https//minecraftathomecom/minecrafthome/show_userphpuserid=18034131 The Generic Haskell release of last summer supports type-indexed data types, dependencies between generic functions, and special cases for constructors besides the `standard' type-indexed functions and kind-indexed types Contributions of more documentation would be gratefully received; it's often just a case of cut-n-paste from the appropriate report adding Haddock syntax as appropriate News coverage also can serve as a vehicle for change, as was the case in the 2007 Virginia Tech shootings Russian state media kept Mr Prigozhin’s name out of its coverage of those events Advanced sensor technologies and operational systems of dedicated fire satellites are required to improve the spatial-temporal coverage and information content for research and disaster management purposes HTk is known to run under Linux, Solaris, Windows 98, Windows 2k, and will probably run under many other POSIX systems as well The language is aimed at hard real-time, low memory eg embedded systems settings This enabled us in the past to quickly change names eg we got rid of the Gdk namespace and to add casting functions To this end, each Java class is a separate type, and the argument lists of methods of automatically-generated interfaces to Java classes make use of subtype class relations to minimise explicit upward casting While providing enough control to implement parallel algorithms efficiently it frees the programmer from the tedious task of managing low-level details by introducing automatic communication via head-strict lazy lists, synchronisation, and process handling This section lists applications developed in Haskell, be it in academia, in industry, or just for fun, which achieve some non-Haskell-related end These extensions are described in the "Type-indexed data types" paper presented at MPC'02, and the "Generic Haskell, Specifically" paper at WCGP'02 Even in a language where functions are first-class citizens, you sometimes want to write programs at a meta level, be it to get that extra leverage in productivity, to test some ideas for language extensions, for debugging/instrumenting your code, or for analyses and transformations The rules are expressed as Haskell code, and it is intended that the user can add new rules as required We have been using QuickCheck to test monadic code, especially in the ST monad, and there is a new version available with combinators for defining "monadic properties" Higher-level coordination is achieved by defining higher-order functions over these basic constructs This way, the authors of this project decided to change the game engine philosophy programmers should describe a game as a set of "specifications" rather than defining its behavior imperatively Many of its patents cover Android, as well as the search engine technology and other services that have been Google's bread and butter This is what happens in a photo-detonation engine, and because it employs a homogenous charge and compression ignition, it is often described as an HCCI engine A game engine, roughly speaking, is a tool intended to help a game programmer to develop games in a faster and automated way, avoiding him to worry about low-level implementation details The first release of FunGEn April/2002 consisted of a 2D platform-independent game engine, which implementation was based in HOpenGL Haskell Open Graphics Library Traditionally fire was used to keep vegetation open and at early successional stages to regenerate grass, heath and brush, and to clear land of weeds and harvest residues FunGEn is being maintained at the Informatics Center of the Federal University of Pernambuco, by Andre W B Furtado assisted by lecturer Andre Santos, and it's wide open for any implementation contributions Phil Trinder, Kevin Hammond, Hans-Wolfgang Loidl, Alvaro Rebon Portillo, Andre Rauber du Bois, Mustafa Aswad, Abyd Al Zain This allows instances to be derived for a type after the original module has been compiled Having been wandering the globe talking about CSS Grid for almost five years, Grid finally shipped in browsers in 2017 This was good, as I didn’t really want to be some kind of CSS vapourware lady At An Event Apart in Seattle, when Rossen Atanassov pulled up a slide of an email from me in 2014, when I’d been chasing up Microsoft to update their grid implementation This style is particularly useful in the implementation of program analyses and transformations This really demands some time, but the authors expect a new version to be released soon The idea is to make it really easy to write Haskell code that executes at compile time, and generates the Haskell program you want to compile It is intended to make writing "Java in Haskell" as straightforward as possible However I’m grateful for the fact that via Instagram, or Facebook and Twitter we can share our lives I can continue to create learning materials, and show up at community conferences and everything else I do as an independent person who cares about the web In the late 1800s, Dr William Moon created a tactile system of reading and writing known as the Moon System of Embossed Reading We plan to use Chameleon as an experimental test-bed for possible type system extensions It goes along the inside edge of the tire, holding the tire to the wheel The Centre for East German Studies at the University of Reading is holding a conference titled DEFA A Retrospective In October 1996 The University of Connecticut will conclude the celebration of the opening of its Senator Thomas J Dodd Archives and Research Center, and the fiftieth anniversary of the conclusion of the Nuremberg Trial, with an international and interdisciplinary conference on the theme Fifty Years after Nuremberg Human Rights and the Rule of Law I’m already doing my new An Event Apart talk, and I have a few new things to talk about this year at the various events I’ve been invited to Haddock saw many improvements in features and stability culminating in the 04 release at the end of July this year