https//wwwwebwikiit/wwwrepairmywindowsanddoorscouk/harlow-windowrepair/ Glazed Windows Repairs It could be that your double-glazed windows are difficult to open or have mist between the panes If this is the case, it might be worthwhile to arrange for them to be fixed This can be done without replacing the windows, and will be much less expensive in the long term This kind of repair requires very specific tools which is why it's advisable to leave it to an expert Seals that are damaged The seals on windows can get worn out over time, allowing argon gas or Krypton to escape between the panes of double or triple-paned windows If you have a broken seal, air from outside is getting in and the argon that helps to insulate your home is being emitted, both of which are detrimental to energy efficiency Window seals can be damaged due to extremes in humidity, temperature and pressure These changes cause the glass to expand and contract, which puts lots of pressure on seals over time This can happen if your pets or children accidentally hit your windows If the seal on your window breaks it's best to have the issue looked at by a professional as quickly as you can If you delay too long and the argon gas or krypton could escape completely and reduce the insulation properties of your windows Fog in between the window panes is a common sign of a failing seal While it's possible to solve this by defogging yourself the window, the best option is to get a specialist to come out and reseal your window When your windows are sealed by a technician, they will remove the old seal, wash the panes and put in the new seal The technician will take apart the sash, if needed then reassemble it, and replace the IGU insulated unit in the event that it is required Then, they'll insert argon or krypton in the space between the panes and reseal around the IGU to ensure a watertight seal You can purchase kits that claim to assist homeowners with this process These products have received mixed reviews, but we recommend that you delegate this task to experts Condensation Condensation is a concern with double glazing This is especially true in older homes It occurs when the air inside the home is warmer than the glass and has higher dew point, which means that moisture may form inside It is more likely to occur during night or in the early morning hours when temperatures are the lowest Fortunately, condensation in double glazed windows is easily fixed and typically doesn't require replacement of the entire window or door The'spacer bar' located between the two glass panes in the majority of double glazing is filled with desiccant which is extremely absorbent and absorbs any moisture that gets into the 'air gap However, if the spacer bar is saturated with moisture it can begin to leak into the frame of the window This is where condensation forms It is also worth remembering that the majority of new double-glazed windows are still under warranty and must be reported to the company that installed them They will investigate the issue and replace any units or seals that have become defective Do not attempt to modify the units since this could invalidate your warranty Checkatrade has a wide range of reliable tradespeople to choose from for double glazing repairs All of our traders have been checked and vetted to ensure that you receive a professional service for an affordable price It is possible to fix the issue by lubricating hinges or handles of your double-glazed windows and doors It is also worth wiping down frames with a damp cloth to see if it can help, especially since extreme weather conditions can cause them to expand or shrink and this could make them difficult to open Draughts The gap between the frame and the wall allows draughts to enter your home, which can be cold and increase your energy costs Draught proofing helps with this by sealing the gaps and improving insulation It is recommended to get estimates from several companies for this work as it can vary, but an honest company should stand behind their work Double glazing that has been cloudy may be difficult to observe, but this usually indicates an issue with the seal This can be resolved by an expert in window repair who uses a high-powered defogger to clean the glass and create the new seal If you see cold draughts forming around your windows, it could be a sign that the sealed units are no longer efficient This could lead to more expensive heating costs Window repair services will reseal double-glazed units to eliminate drafts, and also improve insulation If you are having difficulty opening or closing windows It could be due to the hinges or mechanisms are brittle and need to be oiled This is a simple fix, and you should check with the company who installed your double glazing to determine what their warranty will cover Over time, uPVC frames can be discolored This could be due to sunlight, cleaning products or the weather If you notice dark streaks, or areas that don't appear clean, then it is time to replace the frames Some companies provide an opportunity to replace the window, while others replace the entire frame and handle or locking mechanism It is recommended to contact your original window vendor They will be able to give you guidance on the most cost-effective option for your property They might even be able to integrate your existing frames so that you don't have to replace the entire structure Smudging This is typically the first indication of problems with double glazing It's a breeze to fix It happens when condensation from the inside of the window gets trapped between the two panes and appears as smudges or droplets of water on the exterior of your windows Leaving this untreated could lead to mould or damage to the material of your frames and sills as well as breathing in mold spores over extended periods can cause health problems The best double glazing companies can identify the problem and provide an affordable solution They'll be able replace the window gaskets that keep air in between the two glass units and drafts out, giving you a more comfortable home while reducing your energy bills You can attempt to fix the window yourself by washing the surface using a rag, dish soap and some water Then, you'll need to mix two-part epoxy on a disposable plate or cardboard and use it to fix any cracks This is a temporary repair, and it's important to select the appropriate product for your needs If you are thinking of replacing your double-glazed windows, look for a company who offers a guarantee on their products This will provide you with peace of mind that you're dealing with a reputable, qualified company that can provide you with quality service and products Read reviews from customers prior to making a final decision This will help you determine if the company is right for your requirements Mist Condensation in your double-glazed windows is not an issue to be concerned about since it is an indication that they're working properly and keeping moisture out of your home However, a misty appearance within your windows is a much more serious problem and could indicate that one or more seals has failed To make the double-glazed windows airtight and water-resistant, the gap between the two panes should be sealed using argon gas When the glass is misted this could mean that the argon gas has been compromised or that the seal has been damaged It is also indicative of a poor installation as the window could be damaged during the fitting process or the sealant has worn down over time Many companies claim to be able to repair double-glazed windows with fog by drilling holes in the glass and then pumping chemicals through these that absorb the water vapour and fog from inside This is a great solution for many however it is crucial to understand that there are limits to what can be repaired There are instances when a replacement of the window unit is a more appropriate option, particularly when there is significant damage If the window unit has been damaged or is no longer functional due to rot, it may need to be replaced In these situations it is recommended to consult an expert is advised to determine the best course of action