What to Do to Prevent Gum Infection After Tooth Veneer? Procedures for Treatment of Tooth Infection Sometimes, with a simple restoration, the tooth can be restored, and a dental crown can be installed on it. But if the nerve of the tooth has been damaged, the nerve extraction must be done. After finishing the treatment, if it is possible to use the previous cover, the specialist will re-install the cover on your tooth. Still, if the height and size of the tooth have undergone slight changes during the denervation and tooth restoration, re-molding to install the new cover will be done on your teeth. Keep in mind that if you get a gum infection after a tooth crown and do not take immediate treatment, this infection will progress to the point where the root of the tooth is destroyed, and there will be no other option but to extract the tooth. Symptoms of Tooth Infection But now the question is how to find out if our covered tooth is infected. If you see the symptoms mentioned in the following article, you should suspect tooth infection and gum infection after dental veneers. These symptoms include: Are your gums inflamed? As a dentist at Amirad Family Dentistry says, one of the most important symptoms of gum infection after dental veneers is inflammation and abscess that occurs in the gum area. Does your tooth have a lot of pain, and this pain spreads to the side teeth as well? If a tooth infection occurs, the tooth nerve is severely irritated. For this reason, you feel a lot of pain when you breathe, and this pain spreads throughout your jaw. Does your mouth smell bad? One of the most important signs of infection after dental veneers is the bad smell that comes from your mouth, and even if you brush your teeth, this smell will not go away. Among the other symptoms of gum infection after dental veneers, pain in the jaw while chewing food should also be mentioned. Treatment of Tooth Infection After Dental Veneers Maybe when we talk about gum infection after tooth crown, this issue causes many people to worry, and there is an idea that tooth infection will cause tooth loss. But if you act on time, with some treatment measures, the infection can be controlled, and damage to the tooth root can be prevented. The most important treatment methods to control the infection of coated teeth are: The specialist will prescribe antibiotics for you. Based on the severity of the infection, the type of antibiotic used will also be different. For example, if you have an acute infection, you must inject ampoules to control the infection as soon as possible. Otherwise, it is possible to control the infection with antibiotic pills. The specialist will ask you to drink salt water to remove the infection from your gums and teeth as soon as possible. If you have a toothache, you should only take the painkillers prescribed by the specialist. Avoid sweet and sticky foods, pickles, and snacks until the tooth infection is completely gone, especially since there should not be sweet foods and carbonated drinks in your diet. https://amirad.ca/