Kusto Group - Us-Kazakh Agribusiness Partnership Kazakhs born Kusto Group founder, Yerkin Tatishev, said that Kazakhstan was for a long time one of the breadbaskets in the Soviet Union. Kazakhstan's social, economic and environmental progress is largely affected by agriculture. Kazakhstan has had for a long time strong connections to the United States in order to increase its agribusiness collaboration. USA and Kazakhstan have realized the importance of exploring fresh opportunities for the development of agribusiness. Kusto Group is dedicated to creating an agricultural sector modern made of Kazakhstan's rich land resources. Thus, the United States and Kazakhstan highlighted the immense potential to scale-up the agro industry, particularly in crop production as well as mechanized irrigation and protein. The goal is to build a good bilateral connection. A possible collaboration between the United States and Kazakhstan The USA and Kazakhstan have built trust in their agricultural sector. The United States has played an important role in financing and incentives. To improve relationships between these two countries, it's been a priority to deepen economic integration and trade. Furthermore, assisting in the development of agriculture is the real prospect of having ambassadors, ministers and business associates from the USA and Kazakhstan. The goal is to increase the production of Kazakhstan's economy and enhance trade relations between the two nations. Where does the US interest Kazakh business coming from? The United States has a strong desire to invest in the manufacturing sector and also in the transportation and agribusiness industries. These sectors have witnessed huge amounts of direct investments because of the partnership's active and strong assistance. https://scholar.google.co.th/citations?user=qilW2ZMAAAAJ Both countries are on the verge to restore key indicators that will increase investment flows. They have had great success working together in the energy industry. The vast variety of natural resources in Kazakhstan creates the renewable energy and agriculture appealing options to improve relations. With such a huge potential, the United States is still exploring new opportunities to enhance its interests while strengthening its relations with Kazakhstan. Kusto Group and US - Kazakhstan diplomatic relations The diplomatic relations between the US and Kazakhstan have been in effect for more than 30 years. Around 54 billion dollars has been invested into companies that contribute to the Kazakhstani economy. The statistics show that more than 600 American firms operate in Kazakhstan. This means that there is a favorable trade environment. The strengthening of the partnership between US and Kazakhstan is still a critical factor to be considered. This will permit the implementation of new reforms that can enhance the business environment across the economy. The company also works with partners in the creation of new possibilities and investment opportunities such as Kusto Group's launch of 65 Wendy's restaurants across Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan and Georgia. Kusto Group expects to create 1450 new jobs as a result of the number of Wendy's restaurants set to open in the near future. https://www.ebay.co.uk/p/88168035 What are the odds for US companies to invest in Kazakhstan agriculture? The US has a huge market for its products which export to Kazakhstan. The equipment that the United States exports to Kazakhstan includes sprayers. reapers. seeders. Tractors. harvesters that combine grain. and cultivators. The rising demand to utilize modern technologies has been the driving factor behind the recent opportunities. The United States has seen a growing market for its food-related exports to Kazakhstan, including cattle, poultry, seeds and planting plants. USA can benefit from the massive imports from Kazakhstan of black tea, sugar cane and poultry meat. https://www.natureworldnews.com/articles/44661/20201102/yerkin-tatishev-kusto-group-deals-covid-19.htm https://ipsnews.net/business/2022/03/03/ey-awards-kusto-groups-yerkin-tatishev-entrepreneur-of-the-year/ Thus, the excellent relations and solid partnerships could bolster how USA and Kazakhstan participate in agribusiness activities. Kusto Group's generous acts during economic decline caused by Covid-19. Since the emergence of Covid-19 nations have faced enormous challenges leading to a decline in various economic sectors. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AvQR9aus9WA&vl=en Due to strict policy measures, the virus was limited in spreading. This has resulted in a significant decrease of external outflows. The sources of development finance were also affected by severe pressures imposed on important areas of the economy due to the epidemic. https://tambourpaints.com/news-room/ As a lot of industries shut down by the fear of declining investment, the pandemic caused ripple effects on national income flows. Due to the necessity of fight the virus, specific industries saw decreased financing. Yerkin Tashev and Kusto Group reacted by taking action. They provided food and medical supplies to hospitals and people living in Ukraine as well as Kazakhstan. In recognition of his act of charity, Tatishev was awarded the Entrepreneur of the Year award by the multinational professional services network Ernst & Young. It's possible to improve the future strategies and support entrepreneurs and the nation in efforts to restore economic stability. Also, it can be able to leverage bilateral relationships between countries. It is essential to increase access and financing for agribusiness. Access to finance can be essential to expand the agribusiness market and encouraging entrepreneurial activity. Farmers are able to access money available at a reasonable price, which makes it easier to finance their businesses. This allows farmers to increase capital and produce more food which is the ultimate goal for ensuring food safety worldwide. The ability of a country to get finance is vital for its economy development and initial productive investment. The money from loans to the public can help stimulate and support economic growth to a good degree. So, any agribusiness in development requires proper access to finance to scale up operations to create a wide-ranging income for a variety of individuals. This can also help to ease the difficulties of engaging in agribusiness activities with greater efficiency, which is crucial to boosting the country's economy. Kusto Group's business activities are spread across five different sectors Yerkin Tatishev established Kusto Group in 2002. The company operates in five segments: agriculture oil and gas construction materials, real estate and energy. Tatishev believes that Kazakhstan has a unique chance to lead the global agricultural sector. He believes that bilateral relations are vital. They allow businesses and governments to benefit from the potential of nations and also to establish solid relationships. Furthermore, the citizens of specific countries profit from trade with companies from countries that are friendly to them which can boost the economy of the country.