Tonic-clonic seizures occur when the muscles in the body begin to contract. This causes the person to fall and become limp. The contraction is strong enough to affect the breathing and cause stridor. In addition to the typical symptoms of epilepsy, the patient may also experience other abnormal sensations. They might feel a headache, feel a strange taste in their mouth or experience an uncontrollable yelp. People who experience tonic-clonic seizures are not aware of what is happening. They also experience a loss of consciousness, which makes them lose control of their bladder. Tonic-clonic seizures are classified as medical emergencies. The duration of the seizures can vary from seconds to minutes. If the seizures are prolonged, intravenous access is recommended. Before a doctor can diagnose tonic-clonic seizures, a detailed evaluation of the patient's medical history must be performed. Other tests such as an electroencephalogram (EEG) and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) are also used. A seizure diary is an important tool for people who suffer from this condition. It provides the patient with a record of how they feel before and after a seizure. Using a seizure diary helps the sufferer pinpoint the triggers of the seizures. Seizure treatment involves taking medicine, which can be given at the time of the attack or daily. Some medicines include anticonvulsants. Anticonvulsants are drugs that inhibit the electrical activity of the brain. Depending on the nature of the disorder, other medicines are also administered to help treat it.