Astm d6413 pdf Rating: 4.8 / 5 (7348 votes) Downloads: 89639 CLICK HERE TO DOWNLOAD>>> astm is a vertical flame test method that determines a textile’ s response to a standard ignition source. this is the defining test method for compliance with osha 1910. 3 a ventilation smoke tube kit is available from a- line safety appliance company, pittsburgh, pa 15230. txt) or read online for free. for annual book of astm. astm d6413 is used to determine flame resistance of fabrics used to protect against both electric arc and flash fire hazards. 1, the vertical flame test has been used for many years. last previous edition approved in as d6413– 11a. available for subscriptions. originally approved in 1999. limited flammability ( lf) is used by mcr safety to highlight garments that will astm d6413 pdf self- extinguish. last previous edition approved in as d6413/ d6413m ð 13b. 1 as a part of the measure of flame resistance, after- flame and afterglow characteristics are evaluated. material shall neither be consumed nor sustain burning nor continue melting 6 s after being removed from the flames. 1 standard sieve set 6. 41 on pavement testing, evaluation, and management methods. as a part of the measure of flame resistance, afterflame and afterglow characteristics are evaluated. astm d6413/ d6413m. 9 measuring scale, graduated in increments of at least 3 mm ( 0. over a pan of burning petrol or n- heptane. published october. 52 on flammability. 1 this practice is under the jurisdiction of astm committee e17 on vehicle - pavement systems and is the direct responsibility of subcommittee e17. pdf immediate download. 1 test apparatus. adopted from federal test standard no. publication date. 2 mechanical sieve shaker 6. 8 stop watch, or other device to measure the burning time to 0. this document is available in either paper or pdf format. 1 terminology 3 general 3. 1 this test method is under the jurisdiction of astm committee d13 textiles and is the direct responsibility of subcommittee d13. 2 this standard shall be used to measure and describe the response of astm d6413 pdf materials, products, or assemblies to heat and flame under controlled laboratory conditions and shall not be used to describe or appraise the fire hazard or fire risk of materials, products. pdf), text file (. 2 for referenced astm standards, visit the astm website, www. pan size 300mm x 350mm x 65mm. last previous edition approved in as d6413/ d6413m ð 15. current edition approved dec. 1 washing sieve, no. published january. for annual book of astm standards volume information, refer to the standardõs document summary page on the astm website. org, or contact astm customer service at org. ued in and reinstated as d6413 – 08. 2 designated separating sieve 6. astm d6413/ d6413m is the defining test method for compliance with osha 1910. astm- d6413_ d6413m- 22. content provider. 2 this standard shall be used to measure and describe the response of materials, products, or assemblies to heat and flame under controlled laboratory. burning behaviour. astm international [ astm] pdf price. last previous edition approved in 1999 as. 269, and derives measurement values for after flame time, afterglow time, and char length. d 6413 burning behaviour of textile - free download as pdf file (. start finish 2m away. 2 definitions of terms specific to this standard 3. flammability test method. ued in and reinstated as d6413 ð 08. current edition approved j. ) to measure the length of char. discontinued in and reinstated as d6413 – 08. transported at 0, 29 m/ s through the flames for 2 s. 1 definitions 3. astm d6413/ d6413m- 15 standard test method for flame resistance of textiles ( vertical test) standard by astm international,. 269 and one of the most commonly used tests on flame resistant fabrics. 1520/ d6413_ d6413m- 11ae01. approved in 1999. last previous edition approved in as d6413ð11a. 1 astm standards: 2 d 123 terminology relating to textiles d 1776 practice for conditioning and testing textiles d 4391 terminology relating to the burning behavior of textiles 3. 191a, method 5903. the purpose of this test is to determine whether a fabric will continue to burn. last previous edition approved in as d. 1 as a part of the measure of flame resistance, afterflame and afterglow characteristics are evaluated. 1 this test method is used to measure the vertical flame resistance of textiles. 3 summary of test method 4 significance and use 5 apparatus 6 sieves 6. 1520/ d6413_ d6413m- 15. an intralaboratory study was conducted by a laboratory testing seven flame resistant woven fabrics to establish a precision statement for test method d6413/ d6413m. 3 washing sink with spray nozzle 6. astm d- 6413 must be used to comply with osha 1910. standard test method for flame resistance of textiles ( vertical test) this test method is used to measure the vertical flame resistance of textiles. 1 deþnitions ñfor deþnitions of terms relating to the combustion of textiles, see terminology d 4391. 269 and one of the most commonly used tests on. astm d6413 is the standard test method for flame resistance of textiles ( vertical test). suit placed over hanger lowest point 250mm above pan. for annual book of astm standards volume information, refer to the standardõs document summary page on the. astm standards 2. 1520/ d6413_ d6413m- 22.