One in four people over the age of 65 experience a fall at some point in their lives. Falls can be dangerous, causing injuries and long-term disability. It is therefore important to take proactive steps to avoid them. There are a variety of causes of falls, from simple accidents to disease. Fall prevention is a priority within the health care system. While most falls are due to a combination of risk factors, there are a few things that older adults can do to help reduce their fall risk. A good example is using a personal alarm. This allows you to call for help if you fall. You can also use a sensor on your bed to alert the nursing staff or the response centre when you are attempting to get out of bed without assistance. The best way to prevent a fall is to exercise. This is especially important for people who have osteoporosis. Regular movement keeps bones strong and flexible, decreasing the risk of breakages. Another effective way to prevent a fall is to maintain a healthy weight. Studies have shown that older women who are obese are twice as likely to fall as women who are not. Medications and diseases can also increase the risk of falling. It is important to talk to your doctor about your risks. They may recommend exercises to improve balance and strength. In addition, seniors should be careful on stairs and on slippery surfaces. Wear glasses when moving around.