Bmw f30 torque specs pdf Rating: 4.9 / 5 (2569 votes) Downloads: 57930 CLICK HERE TO DOWNLOAD>>> com is not in any way affiliated with bayerische motoren werke ag. 8 45nm ( 33 ft- lbs) differential. cylinder head cover to cylinder head ( m6) 8. follow the numbered sequence as shown in the image below. final tightening 45 ° 2az dm flywheel to crankshaft ( manual transmission) n55 m12x 25 replace screw 1. filter - 9 nm ( 78 in- lbs) automatic flex disc/ flywheel to crankshaft - 121nm ( 88 ft- lbs) torque convertor to flex plate - m10 8. bmw 3- series and 4- series forum ( f30 / f32) | f30post > technical forums > n20, n26, b46, b48 turbo engine / drivetrain / exhaust modifications > n20 engine full technical info and service information manual. the us spec 335i 6mt does 0- 100kmh ( 62mph) in 5. tighten the 2 front bolts first, then tighten down the rear bolt. every model is turbocharged, and the hydraulic power steering was replaced with electric- assist power steering. itrader: ( 0) f32 suspension torque values. e series 120 nm or 88. below are the wheel lug nut tightening torque specifications for various bmw' s. our professionals are here to help make sure you find the answers you need to your questions and our community is here to help other brainstorm. f30 bmw f30 torque specs pdf / f31model per:. ￿ introduction. content on bimmerfest. f30 > > f80 suspension torque specs. to ; x1 sdrive28i. does anyone have a pdf of repair manual that has all the toque spec? i came across the official bmw service manual and here are the torque values for those performing spring replacement diy and want to fasten the bolts back to factory specs. bimmerforums is the preferred online bmw forum and community for bmw owners. frb 20/ 10/ general instructions type screw dimensio n unit 00 00 extract from company standard bmw n 600 02. f30￿ silhouette￿ comparison￿ with￿ bmw￿ e90 f30* e90 vehicle￿ height, ￿ empty [ mm] front￿ overhang [ mm] wheelbase [ mm] rear￿ overhang [ mm] vehicle￿ length [ mm] f30￿ pdf silhouette￿ comparison￿ with￿ bmw￿ f10 f30* f10 vehicle￿ height, ￿ empty [ mm] front￿ overhang [ mm] 788 832. com is an independent bmw enthusiast website owned and operated by verticalscope inc. anyone have the torque value for the injector hold down clamp bolt? location: bay area, ca. 5 ft- lb e81/ e82/ e87/ ei, 118i, 120i, 125i, 128i,. final tightening 45 ° there' s no 11 22 3az in the document. bimmerpost ☰ model selection. this data comes from the bmw service manual. almost one second. 0 the maximum tightening torques are: only applicable to shaft screws with metric standard and fine threads acc. robin ( almost owner of a eu 335i 6mt, doh i' m from eu) you' re right but bmw. 5 thread ( which is used for e9x wheel bolts) and m14 ( f30 wheel bolts). which is a difference of 0. torque in nm atrpm 135i us e82, e. 5 - maximum tightening torques acc. it lists the type of bolt and where its used on the car to give the recommended max tightening torque. bmw starting specifications bimmerpost ☰ bmw f30 torque specs pdf model selection. f& r axle torque specs. wheels should always be tightened in a cross pattern sequence. ￿ the￿ last￿ bmw￿ 4– cylinder engine￿ in￿ the￿ us￿ was￿ the￿ m44, ￿ this￿ lasted￿ until￿ 1999￿ and￿ was￿ installed￿ in￿ the￿ e36￿ 318is/ 318ti/ z3. introduced in, the bmw f30 3 series brought substantial change to the 3 series. e90 / e91 / e92 / e93style year:. eg there is listing for m12 1. front and rear axle torque specs relating to suspension. after replacing the injectors due to " max learning limit" codes, i found two references to older n47 engines at 26 nm, but nothing on newer engines. since￿ then￿ bmw￿ in￿ the￿ us￿ has￿ not. 1 bmw￿ has￿ decided￿ to￿ bring￿ back￿ the￿ 4– cylinder￿ engine￿ to￿ the￿ us￿ market. 5 nm ( 75 in- lb) valve cover • tighten to 8. f30 / f31model year:. verticalscope inc. when reinstalling, insert all 3 bolts finger tight. frb 20/ 10/ general instructions type screw dimensio n unit 00 00 m16 and m16x1. without the express written consent of bmw of north america, llc ( " bmw na" ). de) 335i 6mt & 8at do 0- 100kmh ( 62mph) in 5. the eu spec ( www. com is generated by its users. bmw 3- series and 4- series forum ( f30 / f32). 0 kb, 5341 views). jointing torque 60 nm 2. i am attaching the actual pdfs for torque values. spark plug to cylinder head 23 ± 3 nm ( 18 ± 2 ft- lb) high pressure line to injector 23 nm ( 17 ft- lb) appreciate 1. 2s slower than the eu spec 335i) don' t confuse 0- 60mph with 0- 100kmh please. bmw 5 series forum f10 f10 technical topics diy guides & discussions torque specs. bmw f30 3 series. stabilizer bar ( v shape) 21 nm. 00] n47 injector torque value. itrader: ( 0) garage list. model description: production dates. 5 nm ( 75 in- lb) oil filter housing bolts 22 nm. , 111 peter street, suite 600, toronto, ontario, m5v 2h1, canada. 0 applicable range for tightening torques, refer to extract from company standard bmw. bmw m3 and bmw m4 forum > bmw f80 m3 / f82 m4 technical topics > suspension. sorry if already posted but i have a bmw manual which lists tightening torque specifications. at bimmerforums, you will find technical how- to information maintenance specifics audio advice wheel and tire combinations and model specific details not found anywhere else. throttle body bolts 8 nm. i have searched and searched. i need torque spec for bolts that are used for. x1 xdrive28i; september 13.