A cat can be the most wonderful pet you ever have Many people are surprised by that, since there are so many stories of cats being snobby or too independent However, the truth is that cats can be quite a wonderful addition to any home Here are some tips to look after your cat In case you have outdoor cats, make sure you discourage pests such as coyotes, possums and raccoons by bringing cat food indoors during the night Feed your cats first thing in the morning, and make sure there is no food left at nightfall This will keep your cats safe from attack and illness Cats want to play so ensure that you provide them with lots of toys Cats enjoy batting around a fake mouse or little ball around the room Some cats even create a favorite toy Playing with your cat isn't only fun, it helps them to get exercise too Once you move your cat in one house to another, make sure you move the cat last Create a quiet room with familiar items for the cat Keep your cat in the room and quiet for each day or two Visit and feed the cat in the area After a few days, the cat can explore the rest of the house Feed your cats proper food Remember that cats must eat meat Only give your cats cat food to eat Do not feed them or let them eat dog food Cats and dogs have different nutritional needs plus some of the ingredients in dog food could harm your cat Feeding your cat dog food for food could also result in malnourishment, among other issues Make your own enclosed kitty litter box from the large tote box with a lid Use a coffee can lid as a pattern to cut a door in one side of the tote Place the coffee can lid fairly high through to the medial side of the tote Trace around it with a permanent marker Cut right out the circle with tin snips or a box cutter Add litter Placed on the lid Once you take your cat anywhere, use a cat carrier Regardless of how gentle your cat is, it might become frightened Should this happen, it could bolt off and become quickly lost, injured or killed At the vet's office, your cat will be safe from unpredictable animals if you use a pet carrier When you are adding a kitten to children that already includes a dog, it is very important socialize the kitten to the dog at an early age At first, constant supervision is essential Let the kitten and dog spending some time together while you hold the kitten, letting them explore and obtain used to each other's smells When socialized early, dogs and cats can live happily and peacefully together Clean your cat's eyes as frequently as you possibly can because their vision is extremely important and intensely sensitive Cats interpret five times as much visual stimuli during their day and the smallest particle can become stuck and cause damage Some thumbs and a damp cloth are perfect for clearing the eyes and keeping your cat clean Look for potential problems when obtaining a new cat Their eyes should be clear, nose clear as well, and the ears without any sort of discharge The cat must have a shiny coat and the mouth and gums should be free of sores Taking on an unhealthy cat can be expensive https//wwwfile-uploadcom/s9hdz5scbl9r Cats can brighten the life span of most people, but only when the person knows how exactly to properly care for their cat This article has hopefully given you some ideas about how you can do that If you apply these tips to your own cat, you'll find that your cat is a good friend you ever had