Dementia is a progressive disease that affects the brain. It interferes with daily activities and causes the patient to become less independent. Many older adults are at risk for developing dementia. There are several factors that increase the risk of developing dementia, including smoking, high cholesterol, diabetes, and air pollution. Some of these factors can be controlled. Other risk factors are not modifiable. Dementia is also related to social isolation. Lack of social interaction is associated with poor executive function, which is the ability to make decisions. A study from the Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine indicates that simple technologies can help to reduce social isolation. Another risk factor for dementia is a lack of physical activity. Research has shown that engaging in at least 150 minutes of exercise per week can reduce symptoms of dementia. Loneliness is a significant risk factor for dementia in older adults. Researchers found that the risk of developing dementia was 3-fold higher among lonely Americans under age 80. People with dementia may experience cognitive difficulties and behavioral problems, such as a tendency to make offensive comments or neglect personal responsibilities at home. Medications may also worsen the symptoms of dementia. Drugs like diphenhydramine can decrease memory and may cause insomnia. Over-the-counter sleep aids that contain oxybutynin can worsen memory as well. High blood pressure and obesity are other risk factors for dementia. Poor diet and insufficient vitamin and mineral intake may also contribute to the development of dementia.