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1, 000 interview questions & answers. what follows is a list of 400 investment banking interview questions and answers, divided into different types of “ fit” questions ( personal, team / leadership, “ why banking, ” etc. • questions to ask the interviewer. these topics are the most important ones for entry- level interviews: requirement # 1: your story ( 150- word outline andword full version). the red book is now available in digital ( pdf) format. ask ivy ib technical interview prep ( pdf) download. • typical interview structure. investment banking interviews: what do you need? you just need to click the link below, then praxisratgeber investment banking interviews pdf will be until your hands! getting ready for interviews. financial capacity of the bank. direct investment division of the world bank. what is investment banking? this guide features 101 of the most common technical, behavioral, logical, and group- specific questions that are asked by investment banking professionals to candidates during the hiring process as well as sample answers to each one of them. • what are investment banking firms looking for? praise for investment banking “ investment banking provides a highly practical and relevant guide to the valuation analysis at the core of investment banking, private equity, and corporate fi nance.