How To Destroy Speakers: A Detailed Guideline The following are quick and straightforward methods for destroying remote speakers. Using the active noise control feature Software that lessens or removes background noise is called active noise control. You will need a microphone, a source of pre-amplification for your microphone, a mixing desk, and a few speakers linked in an inverted polarity to begin your manual noise-canceling procedure. Wait for your neighbors to turn on the music, point the microphone towards them to pick up the sound, and then set up your amplifier in the opposite direction with the polarity reversed. As a result, the sound will be disturbed and eventually weaken or disappear entirely. Using a CB radio You need a CB radio, a linear amplifier, and a CB antenna for preparation. Connect the equipment above, turn on the system, and use your CB radio to communicate when your neighbor starts playing music. As you speak, the amplifier will boost the signal, and the CB antenna will transmit it. Most of the time, the signal should be picked up and transmitted by the speakers of your neighbors. You should raise the antenna as you send it for the most outstanding results. Annoy-a-tron Alternatively, you can use this technique to bother your neighbors and remotely disable their speakers. You must first need a magnet and an Annoy-A-Tron. Then, go to your neighbor’s home and politely request that they reduce the music’s level or shorten its duration. Never use violence till all other lawful, peaceful options have been exhausted. If they still need to reduce the volume, return to their house and find their speakers. The Annoy-A-Tron must be attached to the speaker or placed inside the speaker, and the timer must be set appropriately. Waiting for your neighbors to eliminate it whenever they turn on the speaker because they have to search for this awful sound is the end. Safety Measures To Consider Remember that the best action is visiting and speaking with your neighbors before destroying speakers. If the neighbors are still making noise, you can take safety measures like using an antenna and an amplifier if you still want to destroy the speaker remotely. An antenna or amplifier won’t damage the speakers. They’ll just interfere and make the neighbors’ speakers seem out of tune or less loud. This measure will not harm your neighbors’ devices and ensures you are not breaking the law.