Gentoo pdf editor Rating: 4.9 / 5 (4695 votes) Downloads: 44552 CLICK HERE TO DOWNLOAD>>> of course one can render pdf as an image, overlay another image and print again to pdf, but that is hardly something that resembles editing pdf. a text editor is a program to create and edit text files. kdenlive: kde- apps/ kdenlive: non- linear video editing suite by kde. so, there is no adobe acrobat for linux. free video editor designed for simple cutting, filtering and encoding tasks. openshot: media- video/ openshot: award winning free and open- source non- linear video editor. testing opening, exporting to pdf without any changes then compare size. and it is impossible wysiwyg markup a pdf or ps file in linux/ gentoo. you can also open a pdf in gimp and overlay text and print again. i don' t edit pdf files anymore. that would be a nightmare, even if adobe' s editor were available. the gentoo set contains the virtual/ editor package to make sure at least one editor is installed. i appreciate that people need the editor feature, for whatever reason ( including creating documents with forms), but i think the small number of people who create pdf forms are probably happy using windows. there are a few pdf readers who can fill out a pdf. but opening pdf with libreoffice draw via context menu seems to provide a fairly adequate editing environment. shotcut: media- video/ shotcut: a free, open source, cross- platform video editor ( testing branch, as of - 11. i' m not sure about directly in pdf, although you can convert it to postscript and then mess with it that way. i don' t recall diff %, though it wasn' t excessive. although it is not impossible to edit files without using one, text editors make it easy, and are handy for editing configuration files. iirc years old trials, final size wasn' t optimal, e. it seems that format is just gentoo pdf editor useless as editable format unless it is a pdf formular.