Don't buy the first bike that you see. Take your time and bring a friend with you that knows a lot about bikes so that both of you can inspect the bike. This is very important because purchasing a bike is usually an impulse buy. Your friend will not be connected to the purchase so he can give you a honest opinion. The internet being what it is these days you can sometimes find the part you want by searching your junkyard's website! A junkyard search like this couldn't be easier! You'll also be able to find the location of the junkyard and their hours. If you do query the search engines or yellow pages you might be surprised to find that there is more than one place you can look for auto parts near you. Just remember that looking for used isn't much different than looking for a used car. Check the classifieds too. All of these ways of looking will save you time and money. The first thing you need to know is that when you order parts online you should be on the lookout for best price. There are many sites on the web that sell Kawasaki and Yamaha and will offer you 50% off on all parts. This is partly bogus because many of these companies rack up huge shipping charges. You, as a consumer, do not really save anything in the end and that is disappointing. But you can really get your hands on some killer stuff though because these sites sell a wide range of new and used parts. Shopping online is a much better way to get the parts you need instead of visiting junk dealers. They have very little overhead; usually the office is a trailer or a small building. Many of the cars that are in there were had for free. In some cases there was a charge for taking the car to the yard. Contact local salvage yards -- Plan to call as many as three local salvage yards or car recycling businesses to gauge interest in your car. Honestly describe what is wrong with it including damages and why it does not run. Even if the car isn't drivable, but still runs it is worth more than a vehicle that does not. Prices among junkyard operators can vary, so obtain multiple quotes. You can also ask help from your friends or fellow workers at your workplace. Ask them if they have items no longer used. Be able to stress out that you are looking for items that are mostly metallic. You just have to figure out to yourself on how to be refined in doing this motion. Offer to them a labor with no charge. After all when you have helped them unload their stuffs at home, you are the one generating money. Batteries, tires, body parts, engine parts, electronic parts, radios, speakers, interior parts, exterior parts just about any part that can be taken off the vehicle will be. A lot of them require that you take the part off the vehicle yourself. reduces the yards overhead because they do not have to pay for someone else to do it. junkyards are probably the last place you might think of when buying great classic cars. Still, a junkyard holds some very funky treasures. Just a reminder when shopping at junkyards: do expect to find these cars in a deplorable condition. So even if you buy them at a very low price, prepare yourself for a pretty expensive restoration. And of course, do not buy cars that are just plain trash. Leave vehicles that are degraded by rust to Mother Nature. Another material that is very sustainable is cork. Cork flooring is another sustainable alternative to bamboo. It too is durable and stays looking very good in the home for many years. Cork is produced on tree trunks and is stripped away. Like bamboo it keeps on growing back, year after year. Another great feature of cork is that it is fire-resistant and therefore perfect for use in the home. So the police officer will have a local tow truck dispatched to the scene to remove your now crumpled car. The tow truck will deliver the car to an impound yard and behind the scenes the city, the tower, and the impound yard will be drafting up their invoices to bill you for their "help." In the Dallas/Fort Worth area these charges will run close to a thousand dollars!