
Road rage

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Uncontrollable anger or forceful driving-can come through closely following, unexpected path changes, and speeding. It can happen when an irate or restless driver or traveler purposefully utilizes their vehicle in an actual attack of one more driver during a traffic question. Forceful Driving Sudden, unsignaled changes of paths. Driving in the left path unreasonably at the posted speed limit, impeding the passing path. Surpassing as far as possible by in excess of 10 mph. Inability to utilize blinkers when turning. Blazing light to flag a craving to pass. Sounding at different drivers impeding or easing back traffic. Making a right turn on red ceaselessly. Making hand or finger signals at different drivers. Running a red light or stop sign. Closely following unreasonably. Pointless utilization of high pillar headlights.

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