Pera is an AI powered Japanese conversation partner It’s for those committed to becoming fluent in Japanese as quickly as possible By talking to Pera regularly, either in an open-ended dialog, or in specific scenarios, learners can improve quickly Pera provides feedback on spelling and grammar, analytics on speech and practice metrics It is suitable for absolute beginners to advanced users and will adapt to students’ levels Pera’s approach includes 1 Speak Immediately – want to get good at speaking Japanese Then speak it 2 A Lot and Often – molding your brain to think and speak in Japanese takes time Speaking even a little each day to transform your brain goes a long way 3 Close the Loop – too bad your Japanese friends are too polite to point out your mistakes Corrections as you go, help you catch mistakes early and avoid bad habits Close the loop, stay on track Feel free to create a free account to see how the app works Visit the Pera website at https//heyperacom to get started today Now that you know more about Pera, the AI powered Japanese conversation partner, let’s talk about the benefits of learning Japanese Although Japanese is one of the more complex East Asian languages, with enough time and effort it can be learned by English speakers Not only will it help you to gain access to a rich culture and history but it can also open up countless business opportunities and make you a more attractive employee in your workplace The more dissimilar a language is to your native tongue, the more it will expand your mind and broaden your perspective of the world around you Whether it’s for business or pleasure, learning any language is always rewarding and challenging at the same time It’s a way to challenge your brain and keep it sharp and active for years to come Learning a new language is especially beneficial for the young and elderly as it can slow down dementia symptoms and improve cognitive function in people who have already been diagnosed Moreover, being bilingual can increase your creativity and flexibility when dealing with cultural differences In addition to its fascinating history and unique culture, Japan is a very developed country with many global corporations Knowing Japanese will give you a competitive advantage in the job market as it’s a highly sought-after skill worldwide Being able to speak Japanese will also allow you to connect with over 130 million people who are fluent in the language across the globe, including sizeable communities in Brazil, Canada, China, and the United States https//heyperacom ’ll be able to build strong business relationships with Japanese-speaking individuals and take your career to the next level Aside from the business advantages of knowing Japanese, it is a beautiful and intriguing language to learn From samurai and origami to karaoke and sushi, the list of things you can enjoy in Japanese is truly endless Moreover, the Japanese people are some of the friendliest and welcoming in the world They will be more than happy to assist a foreign speaker and may even offer to teach you their language This can be extremely helpful for those who plan to move to Japan or work with Japanese clients If you’re unsure of where to start, consider immersing yourself in the language by watching Japanese movies or TV shows The scripted dialogue will often use more complicated vocabulary and niche phrases that you won’t find in everyday conversation, but it’s a great place to practice your listening skills Additionally, you can listen to podcasts in Japanese while you go about your day and learn the language at a comfortable pace With some time and dedication, you’ll soon be able to read and understand simple Japanese text Alternatively, try picking up some stickers and labeling everything around your home in Japanese; from your fridge to your keys and toilet paper, this can be an easy and effective way to surround yourself with the language Now that you know the benefits of learning Japanese, it is time to go back to the website of Pera to start learning Japanese today