Dbilas Rating: 4.9 / 5 (8943 votes) Downloads: 90247 CLICK HERE TO DOWNLOAD>>> https://cemevu.hkjhsuies.com.es/pt68sW?sub_id_1=it_de&keyword=dbilas i got like 12 more hp, but every car reacts. yes, i have one for my m20 car - a 282/ 272 - great cam! performance kits for bmw m42b18 engines. step i : upgrade to 114kw / 156hp. includes: • a throttle body injector system 1453, - -. schrick is the best, without a doubt. still fun and powerful dbilas stay tun. video of splugz on his e30 performance journey naturally aspirated motor no turbocharged just all natural sounds of a bmw m20. i installed dbilas 266` camshafts into myia. i also have custom made chips but it still does not have good idle. installing individual throttle body system dbilas on bmw engine m20b25. after that i have had problems with rough idle. now i intalled wokke chips and i think it is much better but not good enough. 8 gasoline - 140 bhp- dbilas dynamic flow master ii + flowpipethis video is a good example how the new air intake sounds by full throttle. astra h gtc with 1. dbilas is still a very well- made cam, though. swapping dbilas cams into original ones in m70! re: * official* dbilas intake owners thread ~ the proud, the few. • fitting of the throttle body injector system 261, - -. at dbilas dynamic. • complete software update 355, - -. here' s a detailed list of the complete install possibilities. 5 golf, passat tdi, bmw 2. i installed a dbilas 260deg cam on my alh golf and it is pretty much straight forward, you only need to widen the slot on the dbilas cam for the vacum pump to fit,,,, since i was already there, i went ahead and changed to new oem lifters. ( solo8788) make sure you have enough clearance at the 90 degree bend area, there is a screw protruding out of the firewall that was scraping against the intake pipe causing a weird noise as the engine moved due to torque.