If your elderly loved one keeps falling, it's important to take action Injuries and resulting fractures are more common with age, and repeated falls can cause a catastrophe It's also a good idea to find out why your loved one fell There may be an underlying medical condition that contributed to the fall A doctor can perform tests to find out Some common causes of falls include poor balance, foot problems, and chronic blood pressure issues Other conditions that can contribute to falling include heart disease and incontinence Older people who suffer from diabetes may also be predisposed to falling A physical therapist can help your older loved one improve their gait and balance They can also recommend assistive devices such as a cane or walker to make getting around more manageable Falling isn't always as serious as you might think Many seniors sustain injuries from low-level falls Nevertheless, every fall should be taken seriously Getting up on your own after a fall is a skill, and you need to know how to do it Medications can also increase the risk of falling If you are taking medication for a medical condition, talk to your doctor about reducing the dose or discontinuing it altogether You may be able to substitute another medication Another potential fall hazard is a dimly lit room https//mapsappgoogl/xnG5gqtG5ZhpzJQi6 Your older loved one should always have a cell phone with them This way, they can call for help if they need it