Fiat 500 Replacement Key Fob If your remote key fob isn't functioning, it could be time to replace the battery However, if you replace the battery and it continues to stop working the issue could be elsewhere United Locksmith specializes in the creation of new keys for classic cars We have all of the tools and components needed for this service Dead Coin Battery The most common reason why your Fiat 500 key fob will not lock or unlock the doors is a dead battery The coin cell battery in the key fob can be depleted quickly in the event that you don't use frequently enough If your remote began to show signs of weakening such as a loss of range and then completely stopped working The battery is probably dead The battery in the key fob is held in place by metal clips for retaining If the clips aren't tight enough, they could cause contact issues, which could prevent the remote from receiving power Using a small flathead screwdriver, pry the retaining clip outwards to remove the current battery and insert a new one Be sure to use an identical replacement battery kind of voltage, size and specifications as the original battery Water exposure can also cause the key fob to corrode or become damaged Even a brief bath in soapy, warm water could cause damage to the chip It is best to keep your key fob in a dry place Water Damage Water damage could be the reason behind your key fob not functioning properly The rubber seals on key fobs keep them from being damaged by a small splash or drizzle of water However, it's important to keep the keys out of the washing machine, the ocean and the pool The key fob has an electronic chip that sends an alert to the immobilizer system in your car This is the reason why your 500 can lock or start, but when the chip becomes wet, it can no longer work You can clean the inside of your key fob's electronics using isopropyl alcohol or an electronic cleaner to see whether they're still working However, it is probably better to purchase a new one from a dealership instead of trying to repair a key fob that is submerged in salt water While a replacement fob can cost a bit of money, it's much less expensive than paying for your Fiat 500 to be towed to the dealer and repaired You can also do it yourself with some simple steps Make sure you have the right battery type before you attempt to open your key fob This task is much simpler than it appears and you can find step-by-step instructions online for almost any key fob for cars Faulty Chip The chip in the key fob communicates with your car's immobiliser system to ensure your car is only able to start when the correct key is inserted If the chip is damaged, or corrupted, your car won't start, no matter what you do A faulty chip can occur due to a variety of reasons, but the most common reason is water damage or an unresponsive battery It is recommended to leave the job to a professional locksmith who can replace the chip in a short time and at a an affordable cost If your key fob does not work after being exposed to clean tap or rain water take it off the battery Wipe down https//penzucom/p/bc8afd752eac5d20 using a paper towel If the key fob will not work, there is the possibility that it's an issue with the component and requires to be replaced Some people go to their dealer when they require a new Fiat fob But, this can be an expensive option If you're seeking a cost-effective method to get your Fiat key fob repaired, look no further than United Locksmith We have the tools and knowledge required to repair your Fiat fob quickly and professionally way Faulty Receiver Module Fiat key fobs transmit a signal to the vehicle that will unlock and lock doors and start the car for those with an automatic transmission up to 50 feet However, there are some things that can cause the fob to cease functioning This includes a dead coin battery, water damage, worn buttons and a receiver module issue or signal interference, or a malfunctioning electronic chip If the fob was located in the pocket of someone who has suffered severe trauma such as being dropped on the floor, or washed in the washer the fob might not be able to communicate with the Body Control Module BCM of the car This is because the BCM is a secure system that will only accept signals from a genuine key and not any other If this is the case, then you must replace your fob A professional locksmith will manage the entire key replacement process including programming a new key to your 500 In fact, they could offer you a clone key that functions the same way as the original fob and costs only a fraction of the price