In the first quarter of 2022, the market witnessed an massive drop in the value of stocks and other risky assets. Arif Eidi says this was caused by the rise in inflation, concerns about an increasing interest rate, as well as tensions between Russia and Ukraine. In a volatile economic environment, investors need to diversify their portfolios, and that is where investing in crypto comes in. Are Cryptocurrency a currency or an investment? Cryptocurrency is a virtual or digital currency that is stored in a digital wallet. Arif Efendi believes that it eases the need to make payments around the globe without having to carry or change physical cash. The cryptography technique is employed to protect transactions using cryptocurrency. This prevents users to double-spend or even create counterfeits, according to Arif Efendi. It is unique because it is not issued or controlled by any central entity. There is no intervention from the government. You can mine or purchase the currency using brokers or exchanges. Some popular cryptocurrencies are Bitcoin, Ethereum, Litecoin and Ripple. Each coin has its own benefits. It isn't just an instrument for making transactions it is also a method to invest. Many are looking in trading digital currencies for profit. Investors purchase and hold them for a short or long period, then sell off in the event of a price rise. Although crypto is not allowed in all countries, El Salvador became the first country to allow Bitcoin. Arif Efendi on Printed Currencies versus Cryptocurrencies Fiat currencies or printed currency help with transactions. But they are not identical. Arif Efendi will discuss below some of the differences. Regulation Fiat currencies are issued by the government. Central banks regulate the issue of these currencies. They are also legal tender. However, the policies of government could affect their value over time. Cryptocurrencies are digital currencies which can be decentralized. They are thus free of the control of the government. Some countries do not like crypto because of the possibility that it could be used to facilitate money laundering, or for other criminal actions. Form of Exchange Although fiat currency is offered both in physical and electronic formats, it can only be used in digital form. This is due to the fact that cryptocurrency is embedded in a series code. Storage Method Fiat currency is stored in safes at home, banks, or fiat wallets. Cryptocurrencies should be kept in digital wallets. Fiat wallets can also be used to convert government-issued currency into digital assets. The advantages of cryptocurrencies over printed currencies There are many advantages to cryptocurrency over currencies printed. Arif Efendi said that these benefits contain the following advantages: Decentralized System Crypto is an uncentralized platform. Crypto is not centralized, which means that no one is able to control its value or circulation. Similar to banks, each transaction is kept in the form of a ledger. However, it does not reveal the personal details of the user. This stops fraud and loss of data. It acts as an hedge Digital assets such as Bitcoin are a great option to hedge against inflation. Inflation could lead to more money being in circulation, but more affordable items. Bitcoin is created to be a rare coin regardless of the changes in the economic system. The coins will always be rare, even though thousands of dollars are spent on them. Additionally, there is a high possibility that the coins will increase in value. Payments across Borders With cryptocurrency, you can transfer money to people in other countries within split seconds. There aren't any transaction charges and it's very simple. Print currency will require several days to reach the recipient. And the fees for such transactions are exorbitant. In certain instances, your transaction will be denied due to the tension between nations as well as sanctions, regulations, and other. Cryptocurrencies aren't always safe Arif Efendi outlines some of the possible risks with using cryptocurrency. Extreme Volatility Cryptocurrency is unstable. You can amass a lot of wealth within one month or less and go through it all in the blink of an eye. Do not put off obtaining results from your investment The older investors and advertisers have beginners believe that they can begin to earn high returns right away. It is possible to earn less from your investments if there has been consistent trading throughout the years and you've successfully managed your risk. Account Monitoring Even though transactions in cryptocurrency are encrypted digitally however, they leave digital footprints. The FBI can read the codes and monitor the accounts of ordinary citizens. Conclusion Arif Elfendi discusses cryptocurrency, a digital currency that is used to make secure transactions. It is also possible to put money into cryptocurrency to diversify you portfolio. This article will explain the differences between cryptocurrency and traditional currencies. It also discussed the benefits of crypto currency over paper currency. Arif Efendi reminds investors that cryptocurrency could be a risk, just like other investments. He advises investors to speak with a professional before investing.