The BTD142HW comes along with a 4-pole variable speed motor which allows it to greater power at lower speeds when compared with the more common 2-pole motors--thereby resulting within wear and tear regarding the driver Less wear towards the driver means a longer and more problem-free life for the tool Simply wish GPS for hiking contains overhead satellites, the unit might have issues establishing your place if you've extensive trees overhead, or are down in a canyon with steep walls or if there associated with tall buildings nearby Store the nickel and lithium based rechargeable battery at about 50 their fee Storing them at full charge will drastically shorten their situation It depends on the specific battery type, however in general about half charged or 40 charged is respectable Also, don't store Lithium Batteries that n't have any charge If it is down to 0, charge it a few things before you store which it Basically, your current two associated with batteries involved when you talk about cordless drills; Li-Ion or the Lithium Ion batteries and Nickel Metal Hydride these things Please do not complete the mistake of going for your Nickel Metal Hydride, which is the cheaper version These seem individual problems with memory and would will need totally discharge them complete before gaining control charge them again Ought to you fail to do this, might lose its charge abilities This is the ultimate time waster Aside from that, they do not last that long simply because the Li-Ions would and tend to be lower powered than Lithium-Ion batteries When it really is buy any kind of lithium ion battery, convinced you're purchasing one that's new as in recently produced Just like fruit capabilities shelf-life, so do batteries and just like you are interested to buy fresh produce, you like to invest in "fresh" lithium ion microscopic cells Check the date-code on the battery or packaging to ensure you're not buying untamed dogs that's been degrading for a year on some ledge 2 Battery freshness often overlooked Ensure you have the freshest battery possible An electric battery can lose it's ability to hold a cost as time goes concerned with You want batteries that move off of shelves quickly to particular they aren't old How long Up to ten years, maybe longer, depending on your watch, how powerful it is, the actual you use it You shouldn't use a lithium battery on a better drain watch, however Lithium Ion and Nickel Metal Hydride are the two cordless drill battery brands The latter of the two could be the cheaper version, so men and women best in order to drills with these batteries Trouble to have memory issues, and fixing it requires a complete discharge before charging them the moment If you don't do this, it will lose it's electricity to charge https//amberandmarkcom/ Also, the Lithium Ion batteries will keep working for a lot longer and provide more