Fall Alert A medical alert system with fall detection can help you or a loved one stay active, independent and safe in the event of an injury These systems are usually connected to a landline or cellular network, depending on what is most reliable and accessible in your area https//mapsappgoogl/En6gNf6B5GrQJVs18 In-home unit These units offer clear two-way communication with monitoring representatives, but the range can be limited if you are too far away from the base station Philips Lifeline solves this problem by offering voice extension for an additional 10 per month, allowing you to talk to emergency services without having to leave the base station https//mapsappgoogl/dZRikbGKHWb2ushQ9 Wearable pendants These devices are a good option if you want around-the-clock protection However, they can be bulky and uncomfortable to wear throughout the day, so make sure to consider how you will use them before making a purchase Water-resistant Falls are more common in wet environments, so it’s important to find a system that is waterproof This will allow you to take the device with you to the beach, in the pool, or anywhere else where a fall might occur True, automatic Does the fall detection system automatically call for help if you have fallen Does the device give you a button to press that can cancel the alarm if it is a false detection or if you are OK There are many different fall alert devices on the market, but not all offer the same features The best medical alert systems for falls are those that offer reliable technology, easy-to-use equipment and affordable pricing