The coronavirus disease COVID-19 pandemic forced the home confinement of the majority of population around the world, including a significant number of children and adolescents, for several weeks in 2020 Negative psychological effects have been identified in adults, but research about the impact of this type of social distancing measure on children and adolescents is scarce The present study aimed to describe and compare the immediate psychological and behavioral symptoms associated with COVID-19 quarantine in children and adolescents from three southern European countries with different levels of restrictions Italy, Spain, and Portugal Parents of 1,480 children and adolescents 528 boys between 3 and 18 years old M = 915, SD = 427 participated in the study An online survey using snowball sampling techniques was conducted during 15 days between March and April 2020, representing the early phase of the quarantine associated with COVID-19 outbreak Parents answered questionnaires about sociodemographic data, housing conditions, immediate psychological responses during quarantine eg, anxiety, mood, sleep, and behavioral alterations, patterns of use of screens, daily physical activity, and sleep hours before and during the quarantine The results revealed an increase in children's psychological and behavioral symptoms, increased screen-time, reduced physical activity, and more sleep hours/night Italian children presented less psychological and behavioral symptoms compared with Portuguese and Spanish children In general, hierarchical multiple regressions revealed that having an outdoor exit in the house eg, garden, terrace contributed to lower levels of psychological and behavioral symptomatology Future studies are needed to identify family and individual variables that can better predict children and adolescents' well-being during and after quarantine Recommendations for families and implications for practice are discussedInfectious disease pandemics are associated with social consequences and stigma that are noticeably similar in various health conditions, health systems, and cultures Stigma impacts health-related outcomes, not only as a barrier to receiving the timely diagnosis and appropriate treatment but also as an important variable that increases mental health issues such as anxiety and depression The COVID-19 outbreak has been associated with stigma too Studying similarities as well as differences in the features of stigma observed in each outbreak can provide us with the knowledge and deeper understanding of the situation, which is necessary for approaching the issue comprehensively The stigma needs to be addressed rigorously by professionals and health care providers as well as authorities Here, we narratively review stigma due to some well-known infectious diseases and how it parallels to the current COVID-19 situation After discussing its effects on both individuals and societies, we provide solutions to manage this important issueBackground Bullying tends to peak during adolescence, and it is an important risk factor of self-harm and suicide However, research on the specific effect of different sub-types of bullying is limited Objective The purpose of this study is to examine the associations between four common forms of bullying verbal, physical, relational, and cyber and self-harm, suicidal ideation SI, and suicide attempts SA Method This was a cross-sectional study of a sample including 4,241 Chinese students 558 boys aged 11 to 18 years Bullying involvement, self-harm, SI, and SA were measured via The Juvenile Campus Violence Questionnaire JCVQ The association was examined through multinomial logistic regression analysis, adjusted for demographic characteristics and psychological distress Results Bullying victimization and perpetration were reported by 180 and 107 of participants The prevalence of self-harm, SI, and SA were 118, 118, and 71, respectively Relational bullying victimization and perpetration were significantly associated with SI only, SI plus self-harm, and SA Physical bullying victimization and perpetration were risk factors of self-harm only and SA Verbal victimization was significantly associated with SI only Cyber perpetration was a risk factor of SA Conclusions The findings highlight the different effects of sub-types of bullying on self-harm and suicidal risk Anti-bullying intervention and suicide prevention efforts should be prior to adolescents who are involved in physical and relational bullyingLosing a spouse is considered one of the most stressful life events a person can experience Particularly in the immediate weeks and months after the loss, bereavement is associated with a significantly increased risk of morbidity and mortality Despite an abundance of research aimed at identifying risk factors for adverse health outcomes following marital death, the mechanisms through which mental and physical health problems emerge following bereavement remain poorly understood To address this issue, the present review examines several pathways that may link bereavement and health, including inflammation and immune dysregulation, genetic and epigenetic changes, gut microbiota activity, and biological aging We then describe how these processes may be viewed from the perspective of the Social Signal Transduction Theory of Depression to provide a novel framework for understanding individual differences in long-term trajectories of adjustment to interpersonal loss Finally, we discuss several avenues for future research on psychobiological mechanisms linking bereavement with mental and physical health outcomesNot a few patients with obsessive-compulsive disorder OCD have experienced events that affected the onset The onset of OCD is not limited to the original meaning of trauma; rather, traumatic experiences such as unexpected exposure to contaminants or various stressful life events often cause the onset of OCD It would be useful to understand the experiences surrounding the onset, including stressful life events and traumatic experiences, for comprehension of the pathophysiology of OCD In the present study, we investigated the onset conditions of 281 patients with OCD and compared clinical characteristics among groups with or without stressful life events including traumatic experiences As a result, 172 612 participants had experienced various stressful life events, and 98 34 participants had had traumatic experiences before the onset Furthermore, the participants who had had stressful life events showed more contamination/fear symptoms compared with those without such life events Meanwhile, the patients who had had specific traumatic experiences showed a tendency toward hoarding obsessions To comprehend the pathophysiology of OCD, it is important to understand the stressful life events that precede its onsetThe coronavirus 2019 disease COVID-19 is deepening the inequity and injustice among the vulnerable communities The current study aims to present an overview of the impact of COVID-19 on equity and social justice with a focus on vulnerable communities Vulnerable communities include, but not limited to, healthcare workers, those from lower socioeconomic backgrounds, ethnic or minority groups, immigrants or refugees, justice-involved populations, and people suffering from chronic diseases or mental illness The implications of COVID-19 on these communities and systemic disparities beyond the current pandemic are also discussed People from vulnerable communities' experience disproportionately adverse impacts of COVID-19 COVID-19 has exacerbated systemic disparities and its long-term negative impact on these populations foretell an impending crisis that could prevail beyond the COVID-19 era It is onerous that systemic issues be addressed and efforts to build inclusive and sustainable societies be pursued to ensure the provision of universal healthcare and justice for all Without these reinforcements, we would not only compromise the vulnerable communities but also severely limit our preparedness and response to a future pandemicBackground A number of existing meta-analyses and narrative reviews have already addressed the relation between childhood adversity and depression, yet none of them has examined the specific link between emotional abuse and depression highlighted by previous research It is no longer appropriate to regard childhood maltreatment as a unitary concept when considering its effects on subsequent depression; instead, subtypes of childhood maltreatment need to be scrutinized separately This review addresses this significant gap by critically evaluating empirical studies examining psychological mediators of the relationship between childhood emotional abuse and subsequent depression Methods A systematic search of nine electronic databases was conducted to identify eligible studies published in English between January 1980 and January 2020 Given the heterogeneous outcomes of eligible studies and the inconsistent reporting of indirect effects, a narrative synthesis, rather than a quantitative meta-analysis, was condview should be considered with caution given the relative dearth of large-scale, adequately powered longitudinal studies https//wwwselleckchemcom/products/VX-702html This review proposes a comprehensive multilevel theoretical framework as a basis for future researchImagery Rescripting IR is a therapeutic technique that is used in a wide spectrum of therapeutic methods for various mental disorders As an important component of Schema Therapy ST, IR is frequently used in the treatment of patients with borderline personality disorder BPD However, little is known about how IR is experienced by individuals with BPD The aim of this study was to explore BPD patients' experiences with receiving IR Qualitative data were collected through semi-structured interviews with 21 individuals 86 females with a primary diagnosis of BPD who received IR within their ST treatment Interview data were analyzed following the procedures of qualitative content analysis Participants reported various effects of IR including initial high emotionality and exhaustion Long-term effects included a better understanding of schemas and an improvement regarding emotion regulation and interpersonal relationships Participants reported factors hindering the successful implementation of IR, such as external noise, stress, and a fast pace during IR Facilitating factors included adequate time for debriefing, a transparent structure, and preparation of IR as well as the therapist providing safety Implications of the findings for optimizing IR in clinical practice are discussedBackground Although aripiprazole and risperidone are used widespread in pediatrics, there are still limited pieces of evidence on their actual safety profile By using the EudraVigilance database, we carried out an analysis to perform a comprehensive overview of reported adverse events among children and adolescents treated with aripiprazole and risperidone Methods Descriptive analysis was performed of all individual case safety reports ISCRs submitted to EudraVigilance associated with aripiprazole and risperidone and related to the pediatric population from 2016 to 2018 Results A total of 855 and 2,242 ISCRs for aripiprazole and risperidone, respectively, were recorded for a total of 11,042 suspected adverse drug reactions 2,993 for aripiprazole and 8,049 for risperidone Most ISCRs were related to male patients 650 and 863 for aripiprazole and risperidone, respectively and were serious 810 and 941 for aripiprazole and risperidone, respectively Schizophrenia spectrum and other psychotic disorders, such as disruptive, impulse-control, and conduct disorders, and autism spectrum disorder were the top three clinical indications for aripiprazole 19