There was a time where an honorable land was being called 'the wilderness. The pre-runescape hd & the pre-wildy removal era was the most enjoyable. Don't tell me you are having the same pleasure playing runescape as you did three to four years ago.

In the real wilderness, the maximum hit was 32 for a 99 pound guy. (by real wilderness, i mean in f2p of course). There were beautiful and simple graphics. There was nothing overly extravagant.

Graphics were simple and good. The graphics are now too much on the realistic-wannabe side. The company who created these graphics for jagex did a poor job.

Then, there's the entire game chapter.

You couldn't see the hitpoints level while you were fighting (back in the day) until you switched to your stat screen. For newer players reading this - the hitpoints/constitution level was not displayed next to the map. It was only displayed on your statistics page. You'll have to calculate your hitpoints levels while you were fighting and then consume food according to your hitpoints level. You would lose precious seconds when you returned to the statistics tab to check your HP level. Food is only available with two mouse clicks. This would allow pkers to guess the time they should eat, which is more difficult and enjoyable.

Another enjoyable aspect of the old HP display when pking (player-killing) was the "know when you're dead" part. This is a simple thing to do. When you were redbarred (when your hp bar was red) it was possible to be alive with 1 to 2 HP in case you had zero. It was thrilling to be redbarred , and go to the HP screen to determine if your hard work to get your items was worth it. The anticipation would continue for two minutes with nobody knowing whether the fight was over or not.

There are many other examples, but let's not get into them. These days of joy are over. The sad thing is that we observe Jagex making all these bold claims that make people believe that the wild is back, but it's not - pokemon is back. Sorry, but when you are hit by a 190 with water icons it makes me think of water pokemons causing some damage or playing a Chinese-style game. I hope that people discover the flaws in fighting is. If you've got an old story or two to share, then let me know what the good times were like, and we are sure to be able to be able to relate to one another. Looking forward to see some interesting tales in the comments.