To read more about the Local News Partnerships click here A more likely candidate is a capacitor, which has a slightly better power-to-weight ratio The site is part of the New Jersey Pinelands, a million-acre wilderness area that stretches across more than seven counties and features dense woods, rivers and rare plant species The helicopter was last airborne over New Jersey’s Wharton State Forest when it crashed in a remote section of the woods, according to WPVI, which uses 6 ABC in its branding The helicopter was last airborne over Wharton State Forest when it crashed Flight tracker data shows the helicopter’s altitude dropping while returning to Philadelphia, and it was last airborne over Wharton State Forest DICKERSON If we adjudicate this, the night will be over The face of 16-year-old Brianna Ghey, who was murdered by two teenagers, is on many of Thursday's front pages following their guilty verdicts Wrong is considered right and right is considered wrong But sometimes they're wrong New Jersey State Park Police said a debris field was located shortly after midnight a few hundred yards from Mullica River Road, in the area of Middle Road and Quaker Bridge Atsion Road The National Police Chiefs' Council NPCC said it was "a growing problem" And we need someone has a proven record of growing the economy, reforming the things that are broken Local officials appeared to make the decision to publish the stricter pollution standard because of a growing environmental awareness in the city Fireworks unleashed sound and colour across China at the start of the Lunar New Year, but also something else - pollution It recorded the figure of 1593mg/m3 at 0100 on Monday, as the city's residents welcomed the arrival of the new year by setting off millions of fireworks You take a look at what happened, as soon as that year ended he got out, Florida crashed A new monitoring index revealed a dramatic increase in fine particles in the air in the first hours of the Year of the Dragon Beijing's new PM25 data is published on the website of the Beijing Environmental Monitoring Centre At the moment, Beijing only publishes PM25 data from one "research" monitoring station, but it plans to extend the service Based on the data collected from three rogue waves measured at oil platforms in the North Sea over the course of a decade, the research team modeled interfering wave patterns in the ocean that could have combined to produce these three rogue waves https//intersectionalglamorg/ecbd9ceba19ceb9dbceb8f84eca3bc-eb8c80ebb295ec9b90-eab2b0eca095-eca491eca780-eb8c80ed86b5eba0b9-ec9888ebb984-ed88aced919cec9aa9eca780/ Here's a look at some of the opens to the KPIX newscasts over the past 75 years CRUZ You supported it when we were battling over defunding Planned Parenthood CRUZ Don, the reasoned principle matters Mr Modi describes his country's relationship with the US as "broader in engagement, deeper in understanding, warmer in friendship than ever before", adding "our foremost guiding principle in foreign affairs is our national interest" The reasoned principle matters sadly was illustrated by the first questions today We bring sports news that matters to your inbox, to help you stay informed and get a winning edge We are going to start winning again We are going to be a country that says that, "life begins at conception and life is worthy of the protection of our laws" We're going to be a country that says They want to see the law being enforced Now, I will say this, with all of that being said, I have said I will not do it at all, because if I say a word that's a little bit off color, a little bit, it ends up being a headline I never said the word Bryce Young is going to make it look easy, and watch the Cowboys get a rare road win Quaker Bridge Atsion Road and Middle Road in Washington Township I have done it twice, and I want to go back to Washington and do it again https//hurraylistcom/ec9888ec8381ecb998-ebaabbed959c-ed9e8ced8ab8eba19c-ec8b9cec9e91eb9098eb8a94-ec849ced9484eb9dbcec9db4eca688-ec97aced9689ec9d98-ec9eac/ The first thing we have to do is grow the economy, and I know the formula because I was chairman in Washington when we balanced the budget and created so many jobs, and the same that we've been able to do in Ohio I don't want to look my daughters in the eyes and say, "we lost their liberties" Who do you know will defend The Constitution and Bill of Rights TRUMP He's a nasty guy This guy will say anything, nasty guy According to the Financial Times, market analysts believe interest rates will drop by almost 15 in 2024 The business section of the Daily Telegraph says economists have warned that the Bank of England's "insistence on keeping interest rates higher for longer is looking increasingly absurd", and that the Bank's decisions "risk needlessly tipping the economy into recession" Jeb goes around saying, just like the biggest business leaders in this country, I've used the laws of the land to chapter -- I bought a company, I threw it immediately into a chapter, I made a great deal I uses the laws to my benefit, because I run a company A much newer approach to the Earth battery uses soil as a more active player in producing electricity The company also invested heavily in artificial intelligence with its Watson supercomputer the one that beat Ken Jennings, the best Jeopardy player at the time, which was to be its next big thing DICKERSON Time now for closing statements That's almost certain It could be a pandemic, a major natural disaster or an attack on our country It's not the end of the world that private equity people and hedge fund folks that are, right now, getting capital gains treatment for the income they earn, pay ordinary income like everybody else in this room I hire experts I hire top, top people During planting and harvest season, farms hire many additional workers to ensure that seeds get in the ground and berries and lettuce get picked before the season changes KASICH Look, the bottom line is the people of this -- of this country, and this state want to see everybody rise, and they want to see unity, and I don't want to get into all this fighting tonight because people are frankly sick of the negative campaigning One of the things that you need in leadership is the ability to understand that to get things done, you must figure out the way to get it done Now, we do need anti-poverty programs, you can't have free enterprise programs without them, but not as a way of life The next president is going to be confronted with an unforeseen challenge And Reagan had a vision for America's future I wish Ronald Reagan was still around DICKERSON Let me -- something, in talking to voters that they wish somebody would tell you to cut it out is the profanity Let me tell you something -- Florida Can you tell us of an instance where somebody has said, "Donald Trump, you're wrong," and you listened to them I said, "You" https//sengoku-haracom/ebb88ceb9dbcec9ab4-ec95a4eb939c-ed9788eb939cec8aa8ec9d98-ec849ced9484eb9dbcec9db4eca688-ec97aced9689-eab99ceca79d-ec9db4ebb2a4ed8ab8/ And everybody said "Oh, he didn't say anything wrong" But you bleeped it, so everyone thinks I said the -- I didn't say anything Now, let me just say, I've used it, just like the biggest leaders in the country John, the thing is, is I think that there are people now, these blue-collar Democrats -- my dad was a blue-collar Democrat -- the Democratic party has left them People are struggling -- 63 percent of Americans can't make a 500 car payment “They are described as the best guys that you would want to know, on the job for decades,” she said Looking at the figures on a monthly basis suggested passenger numbers are still recovering NewsNation is an American subscription television network owned by the Nexstar Media Group, and is the company's only wholly owned, national cable-originated television channel The National Transportation Safety Board arrived at the crash site at 315 am New Jersey State Police discovered the crash site just after midnight He said the gang could be working on 15 to 20 locations at once, evading electricity companies and the police The BBC's Shared Data Unit looked at rates of the offence between 2012-13 and 2022-23, using figures from 42 police forces across England and Wales Cryptocurrency laundering - which involves using powerful computers to 'mine' digital currencies such as Bitcoin - also increased among criminal groups during the pandemic, according to the data firm Chainalysis People have asked me, big companies have asked me to make speeches, and friends of mine that run big companies on success First of all, when Jeb was governor, his first four years as governor, he expand -- his Medicaid program grew twice as fast as mine RUBIO Well, I think one of the presidents -- well, the president I grew up under was Ronald Reagan RUBIO I speak fast RUBIO Well, let me talk about poverty CARSON Well, first of all, let me just mention on the tax issue BUSH Here we go Now I know why he doesn't have one endorsement from any of his colleagues Or do you want a conservative, a proven conservative that will stand and fight with you each and every day Passing a simple flat tax that abolishes the IRS is not going to be easy but if we stand with the American people we can do it If all the people who say, "I love Ben Carson and his policies, but he can't win," vote for me, not only can we win, but we can turn this thing around Building meaningful relationships and engaging in collective action can provide support and a sense of purpose Because his entire life he support liberals from Jimmy Carter, to Hillary Clinton, to John Kerry The governor was supportive of doing what John did And I hope I can have your vote in South Carolina GARRETT Real quickly, jump in, because I have got a question for Governor Bush, but jump in