Yerkin Tatishev believes that health, safety, and environmental stewardship are the key to a safe urban setting The owner of the private company holding Kusto Group refers to the new development of residential homes in Kazakhstan The vision of Yerkin Tatishev for a contemporary residential area, the firm is currently building an European style neighborhood in Kazakhstan Koktobe City will complete the project by 2023, along the Almaty Eastern bypass Koktobe City will offer a wide range of amenities including supermarkets, four-story residential structures and pharmacies Kusto Group's objective in establishing Koktobe City is to develop an urban area that can meet all families' needs in their everyday lives A city that meets the residents' needs, thereby helping them save time as everything is nearby The infrastructure of many cities of the present is usually outdated Housing projects are often not ideal for social interaction, don't include sports areas, and don't separate traffic and pedestrians Yerkin Tatishev adds that these housing developments do not segregate leisure and work The infrastructure must conform to these principles in order to be considered to be thoughtful A person should live in surroundings that are easy to understand and accessible It should also be clearly visible https//wwwmsncom/en-us/news/other/-the-subsidiaries-of-yerkin-tatishevs-kusto-group/ar-BB1mvCaH Yerkin Tatishev gathers ideas from Europe Yerkin Tashev focuses on the quality of living in Koktobe City https//transinfo/central-asian-logistics-380700 The team's inspiration comes from Finland and Germany, among others https//wwwottawalifecom/article/vision-reality-yerkin-tatishev-journey-with-kusto-group/ Tatishev was influenced by the low-rise structures, parks, efficient infrastructure and cities of Germany like Dusseldorf Tatishev said, "All of these elements make for a pleasant living environment We tried to recreate it at least in part" "Almaty stands apart from other Central Asian cities because it is the most European, free and intellectual of them all We believe that we have chosen the most appropriate direction to build by adopting the model of an "city that is for the people" All Under One Roof at Kusto Group In Koktobe City, Kusto Group is dedicated to providing an inspirational and contemporary learning environment that includes numerous facilities Because of this, the school will provide classrooms for students to draw, play instruments, sing, and participate in team sports Every family can add a lot to their daily commute by taking the kids to swimming as well as drawing and music classes It was a brilliant idea to put them all in one place https//vircomvn/kusto-group-diversifies-its-business-in-vietnam-95607html We have separate structures for the preparatory and secondary schools, as well as an art and sports center The pool measures 25 meters in length, equipped with multi-purpose equipment as well as music and choreography as well as a sewing and pottery area The Kusto Group prioritizes floor and wall coverings, light, and sound in order to improve the health of students in the classroom Outside the school, a pool and assembly hall are planned to be built Saved thousands of traffic hours Kusto Group understands that Koktobe City will sometimes have to be evacuated despite all efforts to be an environment that is family-friendly Parents may need to leave to work for instance Koktobe City has been carefully chosen to offer fresh air, mountain views and to help save its residents time Residents could save up to 1000 hours per year in Koktobe City which is located in the eastern region of Almaty Koktobe City's construction involves four stages The construction of stage four is already underway It is expected that the construction of the fourth stage, which is the final one, will be finished in 2023 The latest cutting-edge developments are coming by the Kusto Group Kusto Home, Kusto Group’s real estate development subsidiary has constructed many residential communities across Asia over the past few years Vietnam's Urban Green program which is scheduled to end and be handed over to the locals in 2020 It is located in the outside of Ho Chi Minh City Diamond Island's completion in the year 2018 has seen a paradigm shift in living in luxury Diamond Island is also located in Ho Chi Minh City https//wwwnewsanywaycom/2024/04/15/kusto-group-and-yerkin-tatishev-donate-400-million-tenge-to-flood-victims/ Globally over 30 companies are owned by the Kusto Group, which includes businesses in the construction, real estate and energy -agriculture and construction sectors