Tonic clonic movements are seizures that are characterized by jerking and stiffening of the arms and legs. These types of seizures may be generalized, partial, or focal. Depending on the type, they can cause serious injuries, and in some cases, they can lead to permanent brain damage. A person may be able to recover from a clonic seizure, but it is advisable to keep the victim protected from injury. Preventive measures include using a soft, cushioned object under the head. Keeping the victim in a resting position and removing sharp objects from the area will also help. Clonic clonic seizures are characterized by repeated, rhythmic jerking of the arm and leg. These seizures can occur in adults and children. They can happen in all stages of development, including in children as young as three months of age. A person suffering from a tonic clonic seizure may be able to recover by laying down, but they must be protected from injury. The seizure can be life-threatening if it occurs while the patient is bathing or swimming. If a tonic-clonic seizure is generalized, a person might be unable to recover. This can make it difficult to wake up. However, the seizures tend to resolve on their own. It is not necessary to use anti-seizure drugs. When a person is having a tonic-clonic seizure, he may bite his tongue. He might also fall to the floor, and collide with objects. During these events, it is important to loosen his belt and remove tight clothing. Also, it is important to check his airway.