Golf is one of the world's oldest outdoor games and one of the most enjoyable. Golfers come in all ages and demographics, as well as from every part of the world. Golf in the United States has exploded in popularity. The numbers of new golf courses that are opening prove this out. On average, a new golf course opens up in the U.S. approximately every other day. Why is there such a demand and popularity for golf? Let me give you just 5 good reasons why golf is so enjoyable for everyone. 1. Getting outdoors. Golf is such an excellent way to get outside and enjoy the fresh air. The peace you experience out on the golf course is nearly impossible to describe. It is so relaxing and a great way to relieve the stress from everyday life. Hearing the birds sing and seeing the squirrels play gives you an inner peace your body craves. Walking down lush green fairways and smelling the flowers is simply a great feeling. One good tip for you is to play a round of golf in the early morning before work. You'll be amazed at how good you feel afterwards. It leaves you feeling fresh and full of energy! You're ready to take on the day. 2. Exercise. Golf is one of the best ways to lose those unwanted pounds and have fun doing it. By walking 18 holes on the golf course, you will have walked approximately 4 miles or more. That's a lot of calories you will have burned off. On average, walking an hour by itself will burn up to 300 calories. Add on to that carrying your golf bag, or pulling it behind you and you can see that golf can burn a significant amount of calories and over time, a significant amount of fat. In addition, it's also a lot of fun. 3. Golf helps to build character. Like other major sports, golf can sometimes be totally frustrating. You will have good times and then you will have bad times. Golf can really test your patience and nerves at times. Your honesty is tested in golf. Did you lose your golf ball, or did you throw a new one down and tell your playing partners you found it? Or did you count that extra stoke it took on the last hole? Golf has a way of helping you become a better person in life. You learn how to deal with all the ups and downs in golf. This helps everyone become a much better person and can be applied to all areas in your life. 4. Golf is a lot of fun. There are very few other things in life that are more pleasurable than playing a round of golf on a beautiful sunny day. Hitting that one perfect shot, or holing out that long birdie putt will have you coming back time and time again. Challenging your abilities by constantly trying to improve gives you a great feeling. 5. Golf is a great way to meet new people and make new friends. Whether you're playing a round with someone new, or sitting at the bar on the 19th hole, most golfers are a happy bunch of folks. They love to talk. Another benefit to this is that it easily opens up new networking opportunities. That could be huge for your business.