Delft Island, also known as Neduntivu or Neduntheevu, is a small island located in the Palk Strait, which separates Sri Lanka from India. It is part of the Jaffna District in the Northern Province of Sri Lanka.The island covers an area of about 50 square kilometers and has a relatively small population. The inhabitants are primarily Tamil-speaking people.Delft Island is accessible by boat from the mainland. There are regular ferry services that connect the island to Jaffna.One of the unique features of Delft Island is the presence of feral horses. These horses are believed to have descended from horses brought by the Portuguese and Dutch during their colonial rule in Sri Lanka. They roam freely on the island and have become a popular attraction for tourists.The island is characterized by its limestone formations, which add to its distinctive landscape. The limestone provides an interesting geological aspect to explore.Delft Island has a few historical and cultural sites worth visiting, including the remains of a Dutch fort, ancient ruins, and Hindu temples.